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Course Descriptions: 100-400 Level

Course Lists

College Bulletin: EECS Courses

Official list of all EECS and Engineering courses offered.

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Selected ECE Courses: ENGR100 – EECS400

ENGR 100 (Sec 270): Next Generation Computing Hardware

ENGR 100 (Sec 400): Self-Driving Cars, Drones, and Beyond: An Intro to Autonomous Electronic Systems

ENGR 100 (Sec 420): Solar Energy and Self-Powered Wireless Systems

ENGR 100 (Sec 430): Music Signal Processing

EECS 200: Electrical Engineering Systems Design I

This laboratory introduction to electrical engineering is centered around a societally-relevant design challenge for a 2-wheeled robot platform.

Video overview

Info about EECS 200>

EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics

Introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science.

Info about EECS 203>

EECS 215: Intro to Electronic Circuits

Intro to electronic circuits, with an overview of related specialties such as IC fabrication, micromechanical sensors and actuators, and more.

Video overview of EECS 215

Info about EECS 215>

EECS 216: Introduction to Signals and Systems

Theory and practice of signals and systems engineering in continuous and discrete time.

Video overview of EECS 216

Info about EECS 216>

EECS 230: Electromagnetics I

Intro to electromagnetics/optics course that covers the underlying principles behind common electrical/electronics systems, including energy and data storage, displays, wireless energy transfer, motors, and generators.

Info about EECS 230>

EECS 270: Introduction to Logic Design

This course provides you with a basic understanding of what digital devices are, how they operate, and how they can be designed to perform useful functions.

Info about EECS 270>

EECS 300: Electrical Engineering Systems Design II

In this design-oriented course, students will work with embedded systems, signal processing, analog and digital sensors, power systems, wireless communication, and more.

Info about EECS 300>

EECS 301: Probabilistic Methods in Engineering

This course covers basic concepts of probability theory and random processes.

Info about EECS 301>

EECS 311: Analog Circuits

EECS 311 covers single-transistor amplifier design and analysis of circuits commonly used in audio amplifiers, wireless radios, and several other interface applications.

Info about EECS 311>

EECS 312: Digital Integrated Circuits

Analysis and design of digital integrated circuits. MOSFET operation and the design of high-performance and low-power logic gates are covered, as are combinational and sequential logic design fundamentals.

Video overview of EECS 312 >

Info about EECS 312>

EECS 314: Electrical Circuits, Systems, and Applications

This course is not open to EE or CE students. It is designed for non-ECE majors.

Info about EECS 314>

EECS 320: Introduction to Semiconductor Devices

The goal of this course is to develop a solid understanding of the device concepts that are needed in a broad range of semiconductor and circuit (analog, digital and VLSI) design and engineering.

Info about EECS 320>

EECS 330: Electromagnetics II

Electromagnetic fields and waves applied to antennas and wireless systems. The course provides an intro to advanced electromagnetics, communication systems, sensor systems, remote sensing and global navigation systems.

Info about EECS 330>

EECS 334: Principles of Optics

This course provides a simple introduction to the basic principles of optics and applies them to a very wide range of devices from cameras to holograms and lasers.

Info about EECS 334>

EECS 351: Digital Signal Processing and Analysis

This course covers the basics of digital signal processing,and includes problems in which course techniques are applied to real-world signals.

Info about EECS 351>

EECS 373: Intro to Embedded System Design

The class focuses on computer architecture beyond the CPU, fundamentals of the hardware/software interface, techniques for sensing and controlling the physical world, and a few other topics.

Video overview of EECS 373 >

Info about EECS 373>


EECS 410: Patent Fundamentals

This course covers the fundaments of patents as intellectual property and is geared for undergraduate and graduate students in any field.

Video overview of EECS 410 >

Info about EECS 410>

EECS 411: Microwave Circuits I

Intro to the operation, design, characterization and measurement of basic circuit components employed in RF communication systems, which is essential for a career in wireless communications.

Video overview of EECS 411 >

Info about EECS 411 >

EECS 413: Monolithic Amplifier Circuits

This course is an introduction to CMOS analog and mixed signal design, but also introduces advanced topics.

Video overview of EECS 413 >

Info about EECS 413 >

EECS 414: Introduction to MEMS

This course provides an overview of the rapidly emerging, multi-disciplinary MEMS fields, and teaches fundamentals of micromachining and microfabrication techniques.

Info about EECS 414>

EECS 418: Power Electronics

This course provides the knowledge needed to design working power electronic systems. Power electronics is the study of the use of electronics in energy conversion, with power levels from the microwatt level to thousands of megawatts.

Info about EECS 418>

EECS 419: Electric Machinery and Drives

This course covers fundamental electromechanical, power electronic, and control theory in the context of electric drive systems.

Info about EECS 419>

EECS 421: Properties of Transistors

Semiconductor transistors are the basis of all modern information processing technologies. In this course we will understand the physics and technology behind transistors.

Info about EECS 421>

EECS 423: Micro/Nano Device Fabrication and Characterization

Learn basic principles and have hands-on experience with semiconductor fabrication technologies and device testing.

Info about EECS 423>

EECS 425: Integrated Microsystems Laboratory

This is a project-oriented laboratory course in integrated microsystem design, fabrication, and testing.

Video overview of EECS 425 >

Info about EECS 425>

EECS 427: VLSI Design I

This is a project-oriented course in which you will design a modest-sized CMOS integrated circuit.

Video overview of EECS 427 >

Info about EECS 427>

EECS 428: Intro to Quantum Nanotechnology

This course aims to introduce students to basic concepts and calculation tools in quantum physics that are relevant to novel quantum device concepts.

Info about EECS 428>

EECS 429: Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices

This course covers the fundamental device physics and materials science underlying modern optoelectronic devices including lasers, light emitting diodes, photodetectors, solar cells, and optical modulators.

Info about EECS 429>

EECS 430: Wireless Link Design

Also: SPACE 431, CLIMATE 431

Fundamentals of electromagnetic propagation and radiation; radiowave propagation in different environments; antennas; link analysis; system noise; fading and multipath interference. Students develop and implement practical wireless systems.

Video overview of EECS 430

Info about EECS 430>

EECS 434: Principles of Photonics

EECS 434 provides an introduction to photonics, optoelectronics, lasers and fiber-optics. Then, the attention turns to semiconductors, including laser diodes, LEDs and photodetectors. Class demonstrations will cover practical devices that rely on optics and photonics.

Info about EECS 434>

EECS 435: Fourier Optics

Basic physical optics treated from the viewpoint of Fourier analysis. Fourier-transform relations in optical systems.

College bulletin>

EECS 438: Advanced Lasers and Optics Laboratory

The objective of this course is to provide students with individual laboratory practice as well as with team-work experience in solving open-ended problems in lasers and optics.

Video overview of EECS 438

Info about EECS 438>

EECS 442: Computer Vision

The course is an introduction to 2D and 3D computer vision.

Info about EECS 442>

EECS 444/544: Analysis of Societal Networks

Students will learn how to develop and apply mathematical models and tools from graph theory, linear algebra, probability and game theory in order to analyze network processes such as how opinions and fads spread on networks, how sponsored advertisements are developed, how web content is displayed, how recommendation systems work, etc.

Info about EECS 444/544>

EECS 452: Digital Signal Processing Design Laboratory

The central component of this course is a 12-week team project in real-time DSP Design (including software and hardware development).

Video overview of EECS 452 >

Info about EECS 452>

EECS 453: Principles of Machine Learning

The class will cover basic principles in machine learning, such as unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Info about EECS 453>

EECS 455: Wireless Communication Systems

This course covers many aspects of digital communications systems. Applications to GPS, digital cellular telephone and wireless local area networks are part of the course.

Info about EECS 455>

EECS 460: Control Systems Analysis and Design

The goal of this course is to provide students knowledge and skills necessary to become a control system designer in the automotive, semiconductor, chemical, aerospace and other manufacturing industries as well as in the areas of power systems, communication networks, and computer software/hardware.

Info about EECS 460>

EECS 461: Embedded Control Systems

Basic interdisciplinary concepts needed to implement a microprocessor based control system. The course prepares students to work in the multi-disciplinary area of embedded control software development.

Info about EECS 461>

EECS 463: Power System Design and Operation

This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills required to analyze and design a power system (aka smart grid). The impact of renewable generation on power system operation will be considered.

Info about EECS 463>

EECS 464: Hands-On Robotics

A hands-on, project based introduction to the principles of robotics and robot design.

Video overview of EECS 464

Info about EECS 464>

EECS 467: Autonomous Robotics Design Experience

Software methods and implementation for robot perception, world mapping, and control, using physical robots.

College Bulletin>

EECS 473: Advanced Embedded Systems

Design of hardware and software for modern embedded systems.

College Bulletin>