EECS 300: Electrical Engineering Systems Design II
EECS 300 is a design-oriented course. Students will work with embedded systems, signal processing, analog and digital sensors, power systems, wireless communication, and more as part of their design project.
The purpose of this course is to develop design skills, apply and deepen the knowledge gained in core EECS courses (215, 216, 230, 280), and allow for the exploration of more advanced topics as part of a design project with real world relevance.
The design project is currently focused on applying the growing world of “Internet of Things” technologies to create solutions that help enhance campus safety for students, faculty, and staff in COVID-19 pandemic times. The project will involve tracking the number of people entering and exiting a building, classroom, or open study areas. All design goals and specifications for the course project will be driven by realistic project needs.
For EE students, this course is required.
For CE students, this course counts as a Flexible Technical Elective.

No textbook required.
Assignments are weighted by group:
Labs 30%
Final Project: 40%
Attendance / Participation / Other Assignments 15%
Project Management and Organization: 15%
Total 100%