PhD Applicants
Students admitted to the doctoral program in Electrical and Computer Engineering receive financial aid for the anticipated duration of studies (five years for students entering with a BS, four years for students entering with an MS), assuming satisfactory progress is made. Financial aid is offered by the doctoral program when admission is offered, and consists of a fellowship, a research assistantship, a teaching assistantship, or a combination thereof. This aid normally includes a tuition waiver, stipend (approximately $41,000 for 12 months) and health care.
Students entering with an external fellowship will see their award adjusted to reflect the external support. As a condition of admission, students must report external fellowship with documentation of the award to the graduate program coordinator.
Master’s Applicants
The EECS Department does not provide funding to master’s students at the time of admission. Master’s students are encouraged to apply for fellowships from sources outside the Department.
Funding Resources
Rackham Merit Fellowship
The Rackham Merit Fellowship (RMF) is a funding opportunity for newly admitted PhD students. The RMF provides full funding during the funding of the 1st and 4th year of PhD studies.
Admitted students are automatically considered for the awards based on the information in their official admission applications.
We look for domestic/permanent resident students who have a record of superior academic achievement as well as meet one of the following criteria:
- Come from an educational, cultural, or geographical background that is underrepresented in graduate study in your discipline in the United States or the University of Michigan (You cannot meet this criteria using your race/ethnicity/gender/sex/sexual orientation);
- Have demonstrated a commitment to diversity in the academic, professional, or civic realm through their work experience, volunteer engagement, or leadership of student or community organizations. By diversity, we mean efforts to reduce social, educational, or economic disparities based on race, ethnicity, or gender, or to improve race relations in the U.S.;
- Have experienced financial hardship as a result of family economic circumstances;
- Are first generation U.S. citizens or first generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college.
To strengthen your application for this fellowship, we recommend the following:
- Your personal statement addresses how you meet one (or more) of the criteria listed above, and how this experience influenced you as a person and potential graduate student.
Bridge to Doctorate Fellowship
The Bridge to Doctorate Fellowship is a funding opportunity for newly admitted master’s students. This fellowship provides full funding during the funding of the 1st year of master’s degree with the expectation (not required) the student would transition to the PhD program after the 1st year.
Admitted students are automatically considered for the awards based on the information in their official admission applications.
We look for domestic/permanent resident students who have a record of superior academic achievement as well as meet one of the following criteria:
- Come from an educational, cultural, or geographical background that is underrepresented in graduate study in your discipline in the United States or the University of Michigan (You cannot meet this criteria using your race/ethnicity/gender/sex/sexual orientation);
- Have demonstrated a commitment to diversity in the academic, professional, or civic realm through their work experience, volunteer engagement, or leadership of student or community organizations. By diversity, we mean efforts to reduce social, educational, or economic disparities based on race, ethnicity, or gender, or to improve race relations in the U.S.;
- Have experienced financial hardship as a result of family economic circumstances;
- Are first generation U.S. citizens or first generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college.
To strengthen your application for this fellowship, we recommend:
- Your Academic Statement of Purpose mentions your interest in pursing a PhD degree.
- Your personal statement addresses how you meet one (or more) of the criteria listed above, and how this experience influenced you as a person and potential graduate student.
Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA)
A GRSA performs personal research (including thesis or dissertation preparation) or assists others performing research that is relevant to his or her academic goals.
GSRA positions are filled by both incoming and current graduate students. Doctoral students are given priority. GSRAs are usually expected to work 16 to 20 hours a week, receiving full tuition and fees, monthly stipend, and university health care coverage.
- GSRA Guidelines >
- Students interested in a GSRA position should contact faculty directly.
Graduate Student Instructor (GSI)
A GSI coordinates, leads, or insists in the instructional process in direct interaction with students. This includes class sessions, office hours, recitation, laboratory, quiz, or problem sessions.
GSI positions are filled by both incoming and current graduate students. Doctoral students are given priority. GSIs are usually expected to work 16 to 20 hours a week, receiving full tuition and fees, monthly stipend, and university health care coverage.
- GSI Information >
- Students desiring a GSI position must take part in the departmental application process which takes place two times during the academic year (November and April).
- If you are a non-native speaker of English, you must take and pass the Oral English Test (OET) before you can be places as a GSI. You are still eligible to apply before taking the test.
- All guaranteed financial aid students are placed first. The remaining students will be placed on a waitlist.
- The waitlist priority is established by number of semesters in program and then academic performance.
- Faculty can recommend you, however, faculty preference will be considered at the time students are assigned from the wait lists.
- Adjustments to the course you are assigned to could occur based on department needs.
- It’s very rare that newly admitted students receive a GSI during their first semester or year.
College of Engineering Student Awards
The College of Engineering recognizes undergraduate and graduate students who make outstanding contribution to the University both in and out the classroom. These awards focus on academic work, leadership experience, and service.
The awards specifically for graduate students are the Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement, Distinguished Leadership Award, Harry B. Benford Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership, and the Marian Sarah Parker Prize.