Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve listed some of the most common questions below. If your question isn’t listed, or if you would like more information, please contact us!
ECE Programs and Study Options:
How do I declare a major? When can I declare?
College of Engineering students who would like to declare CE or EE should make an advising appointment.
Once you declare, you will be automatically added to the departmental email list. This list is used to disseminate information to students regarding registration deadlines, policy changes, job opportunities, scholarship competitions, and general departmental announcements.
Where can I find the requirements for Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering?
Can I transfer credits for a class from a community college or university?
ECE students can take courses at community colleges and other universities and receive transfer credit back to U of M Ann Arbor. Additional information about this process can be found here. Remember, at least 50 total credits must be taken in residence at UM-Ann Arbor in order to be eligible to graduate.
You can see which courses have already been evaluated for credit here.
I am interested in double majoring. What do I need to do?
To obtain two bachelor’s degrees within the College of Engineering, a student must complete the requirements of both degree programs. In addition, the student must complete at least a minimum of 14 credit hours in pertinent technical subjects over the number required. The credit hours that are used to satisfy each of the two programs also must satisfy the cumulative grade point average requirement of 2.00 or more. Approval by involved departments is required.
Registration (Adding, Dropping, Modifying Courses):
How do I drop a class?
After you have registered in Wolverine Access, any changes in your schedule including courses and/or section changes can be made online for the first three weeks of the term. Please check the CoE Registrar’s Office Undergraduate Drop/Edit Deadlines document for official dates.
How do I withdraw from a term?
You may withdraw from the term until the last day of classes. Be sure to contact the College of Engineering Registrar’s Office ([email protected]) via email to request a full term withdrawal.
How do I modify a class pass/fail?
Before the deadline to modify a class, a class can be changed to pass/fail via Wolverine Access.
Note: Only Intellectual Breadth and General Elective classes may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
The class I want to take is full. How do I add myself to the waitlist?
If you meet the prerequisites for the course but the section you wish to join is full, please add yourself to the electronic waitlist via Wolverine Access. The department makes every attempt to accommodate these waitlists and place students in sections that work for them, but you should always have a back-up plan. You should attend the first day of classes to determine whether or not there will be space for you in the class. Some waitlists are not cleared until after the first day of classes, please be patient!
When a waitlist is cleared, you will receive an e-mail letting you know that you can register. Then use Wolverine Access to add the course to your schedule (note: you will need to drop from the waitlist first).
Note: Once you receive a waitlist override or permission, you must use Wolverine Access to add the course to your schedule. Electronic overrides and permissions have expiration dates. You must add the course by midnight of the day it expires.
Can I take an EECS course if I don’t have the prerequisites?
Prerequisites and grade requirements are in place to be sure that participating students have the skills they will need to succeed in the class. If you have a special circumstance that you think warrants an exception, you may submit an ECE Permission Request Form. Your form will be reviewed and a final decision will be made. You will be notified of the outcome by email.
Academic Support:
What is the EECS Grade Policy?
All CoE Core, Program Core, Technical Electives, and Technical Communications courses require a grade of C or above to satisfy graduation requirements. A grade of C- or below is not acceptable in these courses for students majoring in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering or minoring in Electrical Engineering.
Are there tutoring services available?
Please click here to see tutoring resources available to Electrical and Computer Engineering students.
Graduation and Employment:
Where can I get advice about career planning, writing resumes, and also set up job interviews with potential employers?
What is a co-op?
The cooperative education program provides students with the opportunity to gain experience and practical skills in a work environment before graduation. The Engineering Career Resource Center can help you decide if a co-op is right for you.
How do I initiate the graduation process?
Getting ready to graduate? Congratulations! Please go to our graduation page for more information.