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About Michigan Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Creativity, Teamwork, and Innovation in Service to Society

Welcome to Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Michigan!

The University of Michigan is consistently ranked among the best public universities in the country, and our ECE undergraduate and graduate programs are consistently ranked in the top 10 nationwide.

Our faculty and students are relentless in their pursuit of excellence: whether that means finding the best solution to a problem, doing something no one has done before, or simply applying all of their knowledge and skills to the needs of society.

You will find our students, faculty, and alumni all over the world, working together to bring light to dark places, power to the powerless, and working towards a cleaner environment.

Jeffrey Fessler

Message from the Chair

Hear from Jeffrey Fessler, Interim Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Message from the Chair>

researcher in space physics lab

Who are we?

Learn some of the key stats about Michigan ECE.

ECE By the Numbers>

Emmett Leith

Our Legacy

Learn about our remarkable history – dating back to the 19th century.

History of ECE>

People standing on UM rug

Better Engineering Through Community

We believe that real solutions can only be found when people from all identities and walks of life have seats at the table and opportunities to lead.

ECE Community>

Student with UM mittens

Pay it Forward

There are many opportunities to support our students and research.

Support the People of ECE>