All ECE Faculty

Fariba Abbasi Aghdam Meinagh

Abbasi Aghdam Meinagh, Fariba

Intermittent Lecturer, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Coding theory, Information theory and machine learning with applications in telecommunications.Email:
Ehsan Afshari

Afshari, Ehsan

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: High frequency circuits and systems for imaging, bio-sensing, and high data rate communication.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-9305Office: 3241 EECS
Elaheh Ahmadi

Ahmadi, Elaheh

Adjunct Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Epitaxial growth, fabrication and characterization of III-N and Oxide semiconductor materials and devices for high power and high frequency applications.Email: Phone: (734) 647-4976Office: 2245 EECS
Maha Ali

Ali, Maha

LEO Lecturer III, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 763-2153Office: 3116 EECS
Achilleas  Anastasopoulos

Anastasopoulos, Achilleas

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Resource allocation on networked systems with emphasis on analysis of dynamic games and mechanism design; Information theory with emphasis on fundamental QoS limits in multiuser environments; Communication theory with emphasis on design of capacity-achieving transmission schemes for noisy channels.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-4024Office: 4411 EECS
Dave Anderson

Anderson, Dave

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor Emeritus, Biomedical EngineeringProfessor Emeritus, Otorhinolaryngology Department
Research Interests: Design of recording and stimulation neural electrodes, simulation of electrodes in the brain, auditory physiology.Email:
Todd Austin

Austin, Todd

S. Jack Hu Collegiate Professor of Computer Science and EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Computer Science and EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringhe/him/his
Research Interests: Computer architecture, robust and secure system design, hardware and software verification, and performance analysis tools and techniques.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 936-0370Office: 4637 Beyster Bldg.
Laura Balzano

Balzano, Laura

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), Statistics
Research Interests: Statistical signal processing, machine learning, numerical linear algebra, and optimization theory and methods for dealing with large complex data.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 615-9451Office: 4114 EECS
Steven Battel

Battel, Steven

Adjunct Professor of Engineering PracticeAdjunct Professor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 764-7099Office: 2549 CSRB
Alexander Benken

Benken, Alexander

Research Investigator, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: MEMS and MicrosystemsEmail: Phone: (734) 763-5022Office: 2401 EECS
Dmitry Berenson

Berenson, Dmitry

Associate Professor, RoboticsAssociate Professor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Motion planning and machine learning for robotic manipulation.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-4377Office: 2268 FRB
Fred Beutler

Beutler, Fred

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pallab Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya, Pallab

Charles M. Vest Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceJames R. Mellor Professor Emeritus of EngineeringProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Molecular beam epitaxy, low-dimensional quantum confined systems, quantum dot lasers and detectors, optoelectronic integrated circuits, spintronic devices.WebsiteEmail:
David Blaauw

Blaauw, David

Kensall D. Wise Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Low power and high performance VLSI design; Low power wireless sensors and embedded systems.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4526Office: 2417C EECS
Mark Brehob

Brehob, Mark

Kurt Metzger Collegiate LecturerTeaching Professor and Lecturer IV, EECS – Computer Science and EngineeringTeaching Professor and Lecturer IV (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringhe/him/his
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-0525Office: 4632 Beyster Bldg.
Alexander Burgers

Burgers, Alexander

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Quantum optics, hybrid quantum systems, cold atoms in optical tweezers, cavity QED, nanophotonics, integrated quantum systems, light-matter interactions, Rydberg mediated interactions, quantum simulation and quantum sensing.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-7729Office: 3215 EECS
Don Calahan

Calahan, Don

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Paul Campbell

Campbell, Paul

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Laser-plasma particle accelerators, magnetized high energy density physics, and high power laser-plasma interactions.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2026 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.
Jiasi Chen

Chen, Jiasi

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), EECS – Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Computer networks, mobile computing, multimedia systems, augmented/virtual reality.WebsiteEmail: Office: 3244 EECS
Cynthia Chestek

Chestek, Cynthia

Associate Professor, Biomedical EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Brain machine interface (BMI) systems implanted in motor and premotor cortex.WebsiteEmail: Phone: 763-1759Office: B10-A171 NCRC
Jeff Cook

Cook, Jeff

LEO Lecturer II, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 763-0037Office: 4233 EECS
Jason Corso

Corso, Jason

Professor, RoboticsProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Computer vision, robotics, artificial intelligence.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-8833Office: FRB 3280
Steven Cundiff

Cundiff, Steven

Harrison M Randall Collegiate Professor of PhysicsProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Interactions of ultrashort pulses of light with matter, including semiconductors and atomic vapors.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-4437Office: 450 Church St.
Hui Deng

Deng, Hui

Professor, PhysicsProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: We are an interdisciplinary group primarily working with semiconductors and lasers. We study new quantum phenomena and quantum control techniques based on collective matter-light interactions.WebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-763-7835Office: 4416 Randall Lab
Parag Deotare

Deotare, Parag

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Research includes light-matter interaction in nanoscale systems and the development of low energy photonic and excitonic devices for applications in data communication and life sciences.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-3119Office: 3304 GG Brown
Robert Dick

Dick, Robert

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Embedded systems.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 936-9991Office: 2417E EECS
Vladimir Dvorkin

Dvorkin, Vladimir

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Optimization, control and machine learning for sustainable energy systems; Data privacy and algorithmic fairness; Nexus of energy markets and optimization theory.WebsiteMentoring PlanEmail: Office: 4240 EECS
Aline Eid

Eid, Aline

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Ultra-low power wireless sensing using Radar and RFID/mmID technology, Backscattering communications, Wireless power transfer and energy harvesting, RF and mm-wave antennas and circuits, with applications in smart cities and infrastructures.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-4053Office: 3225 EECS
Tony England

England, Tony

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Radiative transfer and microwave radiometry.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4849Office: 2527A SRB
Bogdan Epureanu

Epureanu, Bogdan

Professor, Mechanical EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Research focuses on biological and epidemiological systems, aerospace and automotive structures, and turbomachinery.Email: Phone: (734) 647-6391Office: 3650 G G Brown
Sherman Fan

Fan, Sherman

Richard A Auhll Professor of Engineering, Professor of Biomedical EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Development of various micro/nano photonic devices, such as high quality optical resonators, photonic crystals, optical fibers, and nanoparticles, for sensitive detection of biological markers in body fluids (like blood, saliva, or breath) and in exhaled breath that indicate the occurrence of various diseases such as cancers.WebsiteEmail: Office: 2158 LBME
Jeff Fessler

Fessler, Jeff audio icon

Interim Chair, Electrical and Computer EngineeringWilliam L. Root Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineering; Radiologyhe/him/his
Research Interests: Statistical signal and image processing; Tomographic imaging; Parameter estimation; machine-learning methods for inverse problems.WebsiteMentoring PlanVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-1434Office: 4431 EECS
Cindy Finelli

Finelli, Cindy audio icon

David C. Munson, Jr. Collegiate Professor of EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EducationDirector, Engineering Education Research Programshe/her/hers
Research Interests: Engineering education research: evidence-based teaching, active learning, faculty practices that support diverse students, student learning, and institutional change.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: 734-764-0244Office: 4413 EECS
Matthias Florian

Florian, Matthias

Research Investigator, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2104 ERB1
Mike Flynn

Flynn, Mike

Fawwaz T. Ulaby Collegiate Professor of Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Analog circuits, analog-to-digital conversion, RF and wireless circuits. high-speed serial transceivers.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 936-2966Office: 2417F EECS
Steve Forrest

Forrest, Steve

Peter A. Franken Distinguished University Professor of Electrical EngineeringPaul G. Goebel Professor of EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Physics; Materials Science & Engineering; Applied Physics
Research Interests: Organic Electronics, Photonic Integrated Circuits, Photonic MaterialsWebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1147Office: 2238 EECS
Jim Freudenberg

Freudenberg, Jim

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Fundamental design limitations in feedback control systems, embedded control systems.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-0586Office: 4425 EECS
Almantas Galvanauskas

Galvanauskas, Almantas

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: High power ultrafast fiber lasers for nonlinear optics, high intensity laser-matter interactions, laser driven secondary-radiation such as gamma and x-ray sources, and laser acceleration of charged particles. Main emphasis of current research efforts is on developing a new generation of laser-plasma accelerator drivers.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-7166Office: 6102 ERB I
Sasha Ganago

Ganago, Sasha

Instructional Laboratories ManagerLEO Adjunct Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 763-3447Office: 3120 EECS
Jun Gao

Gao, Jun audio icon

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering (starting 9/1/25)
Research Interests: Computer vision, 3D generative AI, computer graphics, machine learning.WebsiteEmail:
David Garmire

Garmire, David

Associate Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringLEO Lecturer III
Email: Office: 2408 EECS
Ward Getty

Getty, Ward

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 936-2972Office: 3111 EECS
Yogesh Gianchandani

Gianchandani, Yogesh

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics; Mechanical EngineeringDirector, Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing & Systems
Research Interests: Design and fabrication of microsensors, microactuators, and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) for a variety of applications such as inertial sensing, environmental sensing, scanning microscopy, microfluidics, microoptics, and biomedical instrumentation.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-6407Office: 2403 EECS
Chris Giebink

Giebink, Chris

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Physics
Research Interests: Optoelectronic and photonic devices based on organic semiconductors, solar energy conversion, solid-state lighting, semiconductor lasers, and nonlinear optics.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-4976Office: 2245 EECS
Brian Gilchrist

Gilchrist, Brian

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, Applied Physicshe/him/his
Research Interests: Plasma electrodynamics and diagnostics; Wireless Technology; Space Systems & TechnologyWebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-6230Office: 2240 EECS
Rachel Goldman

Goldman, Rachel

Maria Goeppert Mayer Collegiate Professor, Materials Science EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: My research involves investigations of structure-property relationships in thin films and heterostructures.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-6821Office: 2094 H.H. Dow
Xiwen Gong

Gong, Xiwen

Assistant Professor, Chemical EngineeringAssistant Professor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: To address the challenge of aging and healthcare, our group aims to advance knowledge and technology through the lens of material innovation, advanced spectroscopy, and engineering of soft bio-electronics.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-3127Office: 1046W NCRC B28
Tony Grbic

Grbic, Tony

John L Tishman Professor of Engineering; Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringSenior Associate Chair, Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Engineered electromagnetic structures (metamaterials, metasurfaces, electromagnetic band-gap materials, frequency selective surfaces), antennas, near-field radiation and localized waves, microwave circuits, plasmonics, optics, wireless power transmission systems, and analytical modeling in electromagnetics/optics.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1797Office: 3238 EECS
Robert Gregg

Gregg, Robert

Associate Professor, RoboticsAssociate Professor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical Engineeringhe/him/his
Research Interests: Wearable Robots, Legged Robots, Prosthetics & Orthotics, Bipedal Locomotion, Nonlinear Control Theory, Rehabilitation Engineering.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-1156Office: 2260 FRB
Jay Guo

Guo, Jay

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics; Macromolecular Science & Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Polymer-based photonic sensors and photoacoustics, organic and hybrid photovoltaics and photodetectors, flexible transparent conductors, nanophotonics & structural colors, nanomanufacturing technologies and applications.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-7718Office: 2304 EECS
George Haddad

Haddad, George

Robert J. Hiller Professor EmeritusProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 764-7139Office: 2309 EECS
John Hayes

Hayes, John

Claude E. Shannon Professor Emeritus of Engineering ScienceProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Computer-aided design and testing, Computer architecture, Fault-tolerant design, VLSI circuits, Stochastic computing.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-0386Office: 4713 Beyster Bldg.
Al Hero

Hero, Al

John H. Holland Distinguished University Professor of EECSR. Jamison and Betty Williams Professor of EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineering; EECS – Computer Science and Engineering; Statistics
Research Interests: Theory and algorithms underlying data science and machine learning. Theory includes applied probability, statistical modeling, and optimization. Applications include complex networks, spatio-temporal processes, computational biology, personalized health, and security.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-0564Office: 4417 EECS
Ian Hiskens

Hiskens, Ian

Vennema Professor Emeritus of Engineering Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Power system analysis, Analysis and control of nonlinear non-smooth dynamical systems. Areas of specialty: Power system dynamics and control, Wind power, Grid controllability, Inverse problems.WebsiteVideoEmail:
Heath Hofmann

Hofmann, Heath

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Naval Architecture Marine Engineering
Research Interests: Power electronics and systems.WebsiteMentoring PlanVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 604-6504Office: 4421 EECS
Bixue Hou

Hou, Bixue

Associate Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 647-0122Office: 2020 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.
Inigo Incer

Incer, Inigo

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Compositional system design, design automation, formal methods, control systems, computational logic, AI, cyber-physical systems.WebsiteEmail: Office: 4233 EECS
Mohammed Islam

Islam, Mohammed

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Mid- and near-infrared laser sources and their applications in defense and healthcare. Application areas include infrared countermeasures, explosives detection, active remote sensing, cardiology, dentistry, non-invasive glucose monitoring, and diabetes treatment.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-9700Office: 2401 EECS
Seok-hyeon Jeong

Jeong, Seok-hyeon

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Low power sensor interface, clock generation, and system design.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 936-1956Office: 2431 EECS
Jerzy Kanicki

Kanicki, Jerzy

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Metal oxide semiconductors thin-film devices and circuits; Transmissive, reflective and emissive flat panel displays; Electrochromic devices; Detectors and active pixel sensors for digital breast tomosynthesis; Biodegradable hydrogels for various applications.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 936-0964Office: 2307 EECS
Gyouho Kim

Kim, Gyouho

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: System-level design and integration of ultra-low power ICs in the context of next generation IoT wireless sensors.Email: Phone: (734) 615-2886Office: 2435 EECS
2670 Beyster
Hun Seok Kim

Kim, Hun Seok

Samuel H. Fuller Early Career Professor of Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Digital communication algorithm and systems; Ultra low power / ultra high performance VLSI SoC architecture; Computer vision and multimedia signal processing.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-7630Office: 2406 EECS
Mack Kira

Kira, Mack

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Physics
Research Interests: Quantum optoelectronics, semiconductor quantum optics, quantum optics, condensed-matter theory, terahertz spectroscopy, many-body interactions, photon correlations, coherent and ultrafast phenomena, and cluster-expansion approach.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-4640Office: 3116 ERB I
Karl Krushelnick

Krushelnick, Karl

Harry J. Gomberg Professor, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological ScienceProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering; Physics
Research Interests: Ultra-high intensity laser plasma interactions.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4877Office: 1006 Gerstacker
P.C. Ku

Ku, P.C.

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Chair of Undergraduate ECE Affairshe/him/his
Research Interests: Optoelectronic devices and materials with current focus on integrated photonics, semiconductor light sources (both classical and quantum) and their applications.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-7134Office: 2246 EECS
Mark Kushner

Kushner, Mark

William P. Allis Distinguished University ProfessorGeorge I. Haddad Professor of EECSProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences; Chemical Engineering; Applied Physics
Research Interests: Computational plasma science and engineering with applications to materials processing, microelectronics, photonics and lasers, biotechnology and medicine, and environment.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1695Office: 2236 EECS
Stéphane Lafortune

Lafortune, Stéphane

N. Harris McClamroch Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Computer Science and Engineeringhe/him/his
Research Interests: System and control theory; Discrete event systems; Application to computer and communication systemsWebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-0591Office: 4415 EECS
Carl Landwehr

Landwehr, Carl

LEO Intermittent Lecturer, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 776-3326Office: 3115 EECS
Jing Shuang (Lisa) Li

Li, Jing Shuang (Lisa)

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAffiliate, Michigan Neuroscience Instituteshe/her/hers
Research Interests: Optimal control, distributed control, resource- and communication-constrained control, sensorimotor control, large-scale systemsWebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-4732Office: 4236 EECS
Yongxi Li

Li, Yongxi

Associate Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Design and fabrication of organic electronics for a variety of applications such as organic photovoltaics, organic light emitting diodes and  organic transistors.Email: Phone: (734) 647-5809Office: 2225 EECS
Di Liang

Liang, Di

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Semiconductor optoelectronics, compound semiconductor and silicon-based photonic devices, large-scale photonic integration for optical interconnect, sensing, and computing.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-7669Office: 3217 EECS
Val Liepa

Liepa, Val

Research Scientist Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1792
Bin Liu

Liu, Bin

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Photonic and optoelectronic devices based on organic and low-dimensional semiconductors, light-matter interaction in nano-scale systems, and nonlinear optics.WebsiteEmail: Office: 2223 EECS
Mingyan Liu

Liu, Mingyan

Alice L. Hunt Collegiate Professor of EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Computer Science and EngineeringAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Engineeringshe/her/hers
Research Interests: Resource allocation, performance modeling, sequential decision and learning theory, game theory and incentive mechanisms, with applications to large-scale networked systems, cybersecurity and cyber risk quantification.WebsiteMentoring PlanVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-9546 (EECS) | (734) 647-7020 (LEC)Office: 4427 EECS | 2464 LEC
Shuai Liu

Liu, Shuai

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Integrated Photonics, Nanofabrication, Nonlinear Optics, and  Quantum OpticsEmail: Phone: (734) 763-3260Office: EECS Building
Zhongming Liu

Liu, Zhongming

Associate Professor, Biomedical EngineeringAssociate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence, Neural Engineering, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Precision HealthWebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-2073Office: 2119 Gerstacker
Ron Lomax

Lomax, Ron

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 936-2972Office: 3111 EECS
Jose Roberto Lopez Ruiz

Lopez Ruiz, Jose Roberto

Research Investigator, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Advanced bi-directional neural interfaces for systems neuroscience.Email:
Wei Lu

Lu, Wei

James R. Mellor Professor of Engineering Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics, Materials Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Neuromorphic computing systems, in-memory computing architecture, AI accelerator, new memory devices such as resistive-random access memory (RRAM), memristor-based logic circuits, aggressively scaled transistor devices, electrical transport in low-dimensional systems.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 615-2306Office: 2242 EECS
Hessam Mahdavifar

Mahdavifar, Hessam

Adjunct Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Coding and information theory and their interplay with communication and learning systems including reliability, security, and privacy of these systems.Email: Phone: 734-647-8634Office: 4110 EECS
Anatoly Maksimchuk

Maksimchuk, Anatoly

Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Laser-matter interaction at relativistic intensities, table-top particle accelerators, high-power short pulse lasers.Email: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2014 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.
Johanna Mathieu

Mathieu, Johanna audio icon

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringshe/her/hers
Research Interests: Modeling, estimation, and control of electric loads and storage; Operational and control strategies that reduce the environmental impact, cost, and inefficiency of the power systemWebsiteMentoring PlanEmail: Phone: (734) 936-3875Office: 4116 EECS
Pinaki Mazumder

Mazumder, Pinaki

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: VLSI circuit design, VLSI testing, and VLSI layout toolsWebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-2107
Leo McAfee

McAfee, Leo

Associate Professor Emeritus, Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 764-0218Office: 2231 EECS
Ryan McBride

McBride, Ryan

Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological SciencesProfessor (courtesy), Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 763-7504Office: 1941 Cooley Bldg
Semyon Meerkov

Meerkov, Semyon

Professor Emeritus, Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Control of systems with nonlinear sensors and actuators, Resilient monitoring and control under malicious attacks; Smart production systems: theory and industrial applications in the framework of Industry 4.0.Email:
Kurt Metzger

Metzger, Kurt

Associate Research Scientist Emeritus, Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 764-5226Office: 4236 EECS
Zetian Mi

Mi, Zetian

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Low dimensional semiconductors and their applications in photonic, optoelectronic, clean energy, and quantum devices and systemsWebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-764-3963Office: 2405 EECS
Eric Michielssen

Michielssen, Eric

Louise Ganiard Johnson Professor of EngineeringProfessor, Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Dean for Research, College of Engineering
Research Interests: Computational, Applied, and Theoretical Electromagnetics; Antennas; Microwave and millimeter wave circuits and packaging.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1793Office: 3240 EECS
Amir Mortazawi

Mortazawi, Amir

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringDirector, RADLAB
Research Interests: RF and microwave circuits including: microwave and millimeter-wave power amplifiers, spatial power combining and thin film ferroelectric based frequency agile circuits.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 936-2597Office: 3242 EECS
Gerard Mourou

Mourou, Gerard

A. D. Moore Distinguished University Professor EmeritusProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Trevor Mudge

Mudge, Trevor

Bredt Family Professor Emeritus of EngineeringProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Computer systems design, low power computing, parallel processing, computer-aided design, impact of technology.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-0203Office: 4757 Beyster Bldg.
Raj Nadakuditi

Nadakuditi, Raj

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), Applied Physicshe/him/his
Research Interests: Statistical signal processing, random matrix theory, random graphs and light transport through opaque random media.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 615-0096Office: 4435 EECS
Khalil Najafi

Najafi, Khalil

Schlumberger Professor of Engineering; Arthur F. Thurnau ProfessorProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineeringhe/him/his
Research Interests: Solid-state integrated sensors, Microactuators, Micromechanics, Analog and digital integrated circuitsWebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-6650Office: 2404 EECS
Adib Nashashibi

Nashashibi, Adib

Associate Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringIntermittent LEO Lecturer, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Microwave and millimeter-wave remote sensing, antennas, radar technology, wave propagation.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-1091Office: 3227 EECS
John Nees

Nees, John

Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Formation of ultra-intense optical pulses in solid-state lasers for applications in high-field physicsEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2018 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.
Dave Neuhoff

Neuhoff, Dave

Joseph E. and Anne P. Rowe Professor Emeritus of Electrical EngineeringProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 764-6586Office: 2220 EECS
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen

Nielsen, Jon-Fredrik

Research Associate Professor, Biomedical EngineeringResearch Associate Professor (Courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 647-7728Office: 2360 Bonisteel 1067 BIRB
Ted Norris

Norris, Ted

Gerard A. Mourou Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Application of femtosecond optical techniques to the physics of semiconductor nanostructures, in developing new ultrafast optical and optoelectronic measurement techniques, THz generation and measurement, plasmonics in nanostructures, and novel methods for biological imaging and in vivo sensing.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-9269Office: 6117 ERB I
Andrew Owens

Owens, Andrew

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Computer visionWebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-615-7130Office: 4231 EECS
Samet Oymak

Oymak, Samet

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Principled methods and theories for data science and machine learning to enable resource efficiency and trustworthy decision-making.WebsiteEmail: Office: 4110 EECS
Necmiye Ozay

Ozay, Necmiye

Chen-Luan Family Faculty Development Professor of Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor, Roboticsshe/her/hers
Research Interests: Computational aspects of control system design; hybrid and cyber-physical systems; safe autonomy; system identification and validation; dynamics-based data analysis.WebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-936-0269Office: 4229 EECS
Stella Pang

Pang, Stella

Professor Emerita, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dimitris Pavlidis

Pavlidis, Dimitris

Adjunct Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Heterostructure devices and monolithic integrated circuits for high-speed and millimeter-wave applications, device design, technology and characterization, MOVPE growth of III-V materialsEmail:
Becky Peterson

Peterson, Becky

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringDirector, Lurie Nanofabrication FacilityAssociate Professor (courtesy), Applied Physics, Materials Science & Engineeringshe/her/hers
Research Interests:
Semiconductor materials and devices; BEOL monolithic integration of semiconductor devices with silicon CMOS; wide bandgap and ultra wide band gap semiconductors for power and high temperature devices.
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734)615-3105Office: 2302 EECS
Jamie Phillips

Phillips, Jamie

Adjunct Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringhe/him/his
Research Interests: Optoelectronic materials and devices for the next generation of infrared imagers, photovoltaics, and thin film electronics.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-4157Office: 2305 EECS
Leland Pierce

Pierce, Leland

Associate Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringLEO Lecturer I, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Development of image processing techniques for radar remote sensing, Scattering models for natural targetsWebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-3157Office: 3237 EECS
Kevin Pipe

Pipe, Kevin

Professor, Mechanical EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Microscale heat transfer, especially related to electronic and optoelectronic devices; thermoelectric energy conversion; scanning probe techniques; photovoltaic energy conversion; organic and hybrid organic/inorganic devices.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-6624Office: 2146 GG Brown
Sandeep Pradhan

Pradhan, Sandeep

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests:
Network information theory, coding theory, quantum information theory, quantum error correcting codes, quantum field theory, quantum physics.
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-5215Office: 4437 EECS
Yutao Qin

Qin, Yutao

Associate Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Microscale gas chromatographs, gas sensors, and gas pumps.Email: Phone: (734) 936-0069Office: 2213 EECS
Qing Qu

Qu, Qing

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringhe/him/his
Research Interests:
High dimensional data analysis, machine learning, signal processing, numerical optimization, computational imaging.
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-9706Office: 4227 EECS
Steve Rand

Rand, Steve

Professor Emeritus, Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor Emeritus of Applied Physics
Research Interests: Optical magnetism and optical refrigeration.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-6810Office: 3102 ERB I
Pramod Sangi Reddy

Reddy, Pramod Sangi

Professor, Mechanical EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 615-5952Office: 1634 GG Brown
Shai Revzen

Revzen, Shai

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Research Interests: Bio-inspired control; dynamical systems; biomechanics; legged locomotion; modular robotics.WebsiteMentoring PlanVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-3561Office: 4225 EECS
Bill Ribbens

Ribbens, Bill

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor Emeritus (courtesy), Aerospace Engineering
Mehdi Saligane

Saligane, Mehdi

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Bio Sensors, Edge AI Acceleration, Hardware & Software co-design, Hardware Security, Nanofabrication, Sensors.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-3499Office: 2431 EECS
Alanson Sample

Sample, Alanson

Associate Professor, EECS – Computer Science and EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringhe/him/his
Research Interests: Human-computer interaction, wireless technology, and embedded systems, with the goal of tackling the critical bottlenecks that limit interactive sensing systems with an eye towards reducing deployment barriers and ensuring scalability.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (253) 642-7287Office: 4812 Beyster Bldg.
Kamal Sarabandi

Sarabandi, Kamal

Fawwaz T. Ulaby Distinguished University ProfessorRufus S. Teesdale Professor of EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Microwave and millimeter wave radar technology; Geoscience and remote sensing; Antennas and wave propagation; Metamaterials.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 936-1575Office: 3228B EECS
Armin Sarabi

Sarabi, Armin

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringIntermittent Lecturer, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Data-driven security, Internet measurement, machine learning, security economicsWebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1813Office: 4230B EECS
Clay Scott

Scott, Clay

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Statistics
Research Interests: Machine learning theory, methods, and applications.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-3656Office: 4433 EECS
Jeff Scruggs

Scruggs, Jeff

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: 734-764-1812Office: 2378 GG Brown
Peter Seiler

Seiler, Peter

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Chair for ECE Graduate Affairshe/him/his
Research Interests: Robust control theory; Numerical methods for control design; Applications to wind turbines, safety-critical systems and disk drives.WebsiteMentoring PlanVideoEmail: Phone: 734-763-6204Office: 4223 EECS
Shubhanshu Shekhar

Shekhar, Shubhanshu

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Machine learning, statistics.WebsiteEmail: Office: 4118 EECS
Liyue Shen

Shen, Liyue

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Biomedical AI, medical image analysis, biomedical imaging, machine learning, computer vision, signal and image processing, AI for precision health, and bioinformatics.WebsiteVideoEmail: Office: 4229 EECS
Kang Shin

Shin, Kang

Kevin and Nancy O’Connor Professor of Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Computer Science and EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Wireless/mobile computation and networks, security and dependability, cyber-physical systems, embedded real-time systems.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-0391Office: 4605 Beyster Bldg.
Jasprit Singh

Singh, Jasprit

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ziyou Song

Song, Ziyou

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Modeling, estimation, optimization, and control of energy storage for electrified vehicles and renewable systems.WebsiteEmail:
Wayne Stark

Stark, Wayne

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Wireless Communications; Mobile communications; Spread-spectrum communications; Coding theoryWebsiteEmail:
Duncan Steel

Steel, Duncan

Robert J. Hiller Professor Emeritus of EngineeringProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor Emeritus (courtesy), Physics; Applied Physics; Biophysics Program; Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Gerontology
Research Interests: Laser spectroscopy, Optical physics, Condensed matter physics, Biophysics, Quantum Computing.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-2386Office: 3117 ERB I
Anna Stefanopoulou

Stefanopoulou, Anna

William Clay Ford Professor of TechnologyProfessor, Mechanical EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Estimation and control of internal combustion engines and electrochemical processes such as fuel cells and batteries.WebsiteEmail: Phone: 615-8461Office: 2044 W E Lay Auto Lab
Vijay Subramanian

Subramanian, Vijay

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Social networks, network economics, random graphs, communication networks, information theory, stochastic modeling, and applied probability.WebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-615-1915Office: 4112 EECS
Jing Sun

Sun, Jing

Professor, Naval Architecture and Marine EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Adaptive and nonlinear system design and analysis. Propulsion system modeling and control. Applications for marine and automotive systems.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-8061Office: 211 NAME
Dennis Sylvester

Sylvester, Dennis

Edward S. Davidson Collegiate Professor of Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Low power integrated circuit design, computer-aided design for VLSIWebsiteMentoring PlanVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 615-8783Office: 3303A EECS
Wei Tang

Tang, Wei

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Multi-chiplet system design, algorithm, architecture, and implementations for MIMO communication, FEC, machine learning, and signal processing systems.Email: Phone: (734) 764-3345Office: 2435 EECS
Demos Teneketzis

Teneketzis, Demos

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Stochastic control, decentralized stochastic systems, communication and queueing networks, stochastic scheduling and resource allocation problems, discrete event systems, mathematical economicsWebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-0598
Fred Terry

Terry, Fred

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physicshe/him/his
Research Interests: Electronic properties of materials and their effects on devices; physics of solid state devices.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-9764Office: 2308 EECS
Alexander Thomas

Thomas, Alexander

Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological SciencesProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-6008Office: 6107 ERB I
Dawn Tilbury

Tilbury, Dawn

Ronald D and Regina C McNeil Chair, RoboticsProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Logic control, networked control systems, and cooperative control. Applications to manufacturing and robotic systems.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 936-2129Office: 3124 GG Brown
Leung Tsang

Tsang, Leung

Robert J. Hiller Professor of EngineeringProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Wave propagation, random media, rough surfaces, electromagnetic theory and computational electromagnetics with applications in environmental remote sensing, signal integrity, electromagnetic compatibility, and photonic crystals.WebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-764-7651Office: 3228A EECS
Fawwaz Ulaby

Ulaby, Fawwaz

Emmett Leith Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor EmeritusProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Microwave and millimeter wave remote sensing, radar systems, radio wave propagation.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1789Office: 3228A EECS
Angela Violi

Violi, Angela

Professor, Mechanical EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests:
Blending nanoscience with data science, utilizing machine learning and simulations to address challenges in materials science, healthcare, and the environment.
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 494-0017Office: 3005 EECS
Ding Wang

Wang, Ding

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Synthesis and characterization of functional wide-band-gap semiconductors and new physics and device concepts  based on new materials including wurtzite ferroelectrics.WebsiteEmail:
Dave Wentzloff

Wentzloff, Dave

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringDirector, Michigan Integrated Circuits Lab
Research Interests: RF circuits and systems; highly integrated energy- and volume-constrained wireless systems.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-4499Office: 2417D EECS
Jalani Williams

Williams, Jalani

Assistant Professor/PostDoctoral/Presidential Fellow, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Office: 4120 EECS
Louise Willingale

Willingale, Louise

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringshe/her/hers
Research Interests: Laser-driven electron and ion acceleration, relativistic laser propagation through underdense and near-critical density plasmas, laser-driven magnetic reconnection, and proton radiography to study electric and magnetic fields generated during the laser-plasma interactions.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-9543Office: 6109 ERB-1
Herb Winful

Winful, Herb

University Diversity and Social Transformation ProfessorJoseph E. and Anne P. Rowe Professor of Electrical EngineeringArthur F. Thurnau ProfessorProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics, Physics
Research Interests: Nonlinear optics and photonics; fiber laser arrays; nonlinear periodic structures; tunneling time; nanophotonics; semiconductor laser frequency combs.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1804Office: 3106 ERB
Kim Winick

Winick, Kim

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 764-5203Office: 2231 EECS
Don Winsor

Winsor, Don

Departmental Computing Organization CoordinatorAdjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciencehe/him/his
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-8543Office: 4403 EECS
Ken Wise

Wise, Ken

William Gould Dow Distinguished University Professor EmeritusProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 764-3346Office: 2402 EECS
Yuanpeng Wu

Wu, Yuanpeng

Research Investigator, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Epitaxy, design and fabrication of III-nitride heterostructures for applications in high-performance optoelectronics and quantum devices.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-5022
Mengyue Xu

Xu, Mengyue

Research Investigator, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Development of novel and high-performance devices and systems on advanced integrated photonics platforms for optical communication and sensing.WebsiteEmail:
Andy Yagle

Yagle, Andy

Professor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Phone: (734) 763-9810Office: 4114 EECS
Lei Ying

Ying, Lei

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Ying’s research is broadly in the interplay of complex stochastic systems and big-data, including large-scale communication/computing systems for reinforcement learning, big-data processing, private data marketplaces, and large-scale graph mining.WebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-647-4031Office: 4423 EECS
Euisik Yoon

Yoon, Euisik

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Integrated circuits and microsystems; BioMEMS and lab-on-chips; implantable biomedical sensors; low-power mixed-mode circuits.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 615-4469Office: 2400 EECS
Steven Young

Young, Steven

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Electromagnetic metasurfaces, dielectric structures, time-varying structures, nonlinear electromagnetics.Email: Phone: (734) 764-3370Office: 3223 EECS

Z, Y

Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological SciencesProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Computer Science and Engineering; Electrical Computer Engineering
WebsiteEmail: Office: 1906 Cooley
Bingxing Zhang

Zhang, Bingxing

Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Photo/electrochemical energy materials and devices for applications in solar fuels, artificial photosynthesis, and clean energy.WebsiteEmail: Office: EECS
Pei Zhang

Zhang, Pei

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: “Structures as Sensors”, which utilizes the physical properties of devices and structures (e.g. cars, buildings, rooms) as a sensor to discover physical information that surrounds them (e.g. people, roads, animals). His approach is applied to many fields including medicine, eldercare, farming, smart buildings.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-9901Office: 4238 EECS
Zhengya Zhang

Zhang, Zhengya

Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: VLSI architecture, digital systems, implementations of communication and signal processing systems.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-3837Office: 2244 EECS
Zheshen Zhang

Zhang, Zheshen

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum information science, aiming to enable new sensing, computing, communication, and networking capabilities.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-7766Office: 2305 EECS
Zhaohui Zhong

Zhong, Zhaohui

Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, microwave and terahertz frequency nanoelectronics, solar cell technology, chemical and biological sensing, nanomaterial synthesis.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1953Office: 2241 EECS
Junyi Zhu

Zhu, Junyi

Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests:
Human-computer interaction, novel sensing devices, fabrication, embedded systems, personal health and medical devices, interaction techniques, prototyping