Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE Core Values Excellence Award
The ECE Core Values Excellence Award is designed to honor staff members who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the core values of ECE: Motivation and Innovation, Comprehension and Communication, Teamwork and Positivity, and Leadership and Integrity.
2024 (Read the announcement)

Shelly Feldkamp
ECE Research Administrator

Nancy Slowey
ECE Undergraduate Advising Office Assistant

Richard Van Camp
ZEUS Laboratory Engineer
College of Engineering
Judith A. Pitney Staff Service Career Award
The College of Engineering’s Judith A. Pitney Staff Service Career Award was established in 2006 to recognize the significant contributions of a single CoE staff member with a minimum of ten years of service in the College of Engineering. The award honors Judith Pitney, who served as executive director of RPM from 1992 – 2006.

Dennis Grimard
Managing Director of the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (no longer at U-M)
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Excellence in Staff Service Award
Each year, the College of Engineering recognizes staff individually and as a team who have made significant contributions or possess special qualities and attributes that foster teamwork and achievement.
Past Recipients:
- 2014
- Jacob Hayward
- 2011
- 2009
- 2004
- Linda Cox
- 2003
- Dennis Grimard
- 2001
- Beth Stalnaker
- 2000
- Terre Briggs
- Timothy Brock
- Phillip Collica
- James Kulman Jr.
- Karen Richardson
- Frederick Sequin
- Steven Sostrom
- 1999
- Linda Jaarda
- Linda Owens
- 1998
- Henia Kamil
- Deborah Swartz
- 1996
- Kathy DeWitt
- Catharine June
- 1995
- Virginia Wait
- 1994
- Lisa Armstrong
- 1992
- Betty Cummings
- Karen Liska
Excellence in Staff Service Team Award
ECE Lab Kit team

Top L-R: Silvia Dykstra, Rob Giles, Bobbi Scheffer.
Bottom L-R: Jennifer Honeycutt, Nicole Doher, and Jeffrey Horosko.
Lurie Nanofabrication Group

(L to R): Timothy Brock, Steven Sostrom, Fred Sequin, Dennis Schweiger, Bill Knudsen, Terre Briggs, Keith Bowermann, Jim Kuhlman, Phillip Collica, Dennis Grimard (nominator), Steve Director (former Dean).
Creativity, Innovation, and Daring (CID) Award / Staff Incentive Award
This award recognizes staff and faculty who take extra steps to advance the Department while fostering College values and building its culture.
2024 (Read the announcement)

Amy Brooks
ECE Research Manager

Lisa Flick
ECE Undergraduate Advisor

Jessi Cebulski
ECE Research Administrator

Patrick McCollum
Financial Manager

Chris Puzzuoli
EECS Web Software Developer

Michele Ruffino
ECE Undergraduate Advisor

Grant Young
ZEUS Laboratory Engineer Senior
2023 (Read the announcement)

Devon Degraffenreed
ECE Master’s Program Coordinator

Mikhail Erementchouk
Research Area Specialist Lead

Jeffrey Horosko
ECE Purchasing Clerk

Elizabeth Oxford
Zeus Outreach Coordinator

Eva Ruff
ECE Administrative Assistant Senior

Ann Stals
ECE Alumni Engagement and Events Manager

Punam Vyas
EECS Course Scheduling Coordinator
2022 (Read the announcement)

Silvia Cardarelli
ECE Alumni and Corporate Relations Manager

Gordy Carichner
ECE Engineer in Research Senior

Michelle Chapman
ECE Research Administration Senior Manager

Julia Falkovitch-Khain
Web Designer and Administrator Senior

Robert Gordenker
ECE Engineer in Research Lead

Linda Scovel
ECE Faculty Affairs Coordinator
2021 (Read the announcement)

Shelly Feldkamp
ECE Research Administrator

Robert Giles
EECS Senior Computing Consultant

Catherine Lawrence
ECE Undergraduate Advising Office Coordinator

Kim Novak
ECE Administrative Assistant

Paula Pernia
ECE Facilities Manager

Amy Wicklund
ECE Senior Administrative Assistant
2019 (Read the announcement)

Kathy Austin
ECE Research Manager – 4th floor

John Feldkamp
ECE Student Recruiter

Hayley Hanway
ECE Communications Coordinator

Jennifer Honeycutt
Purchasing Associate Supervisor

Catharine June
Manager, ECE Communications & Marketing

Barb Rice
ECE Research Manager – 2nd floor
2018 (Read the announcement)

Lisa Armstrong
Department Administrator

David DeWeerd
Financial Analyst Intermediate

Jacob Hayward
EECS Applications Programmer

Anne Rhoades
ECE HR Generalist

Stacie Printon
Senior Assistant to Chair

Kristen Thornton
ECE PhD Graduate Coordinator
University of Michigan
Staff Impact Award
This award given by the University of Michigan recognizes individuals and teams that have made the workplace better for all.

Jacob Hayward
EECS Applications Programmer
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Distinguished Diversity Team Leaders Award

Rose Anderson
Graphic Designer

Lisa Armstrong
Department Administrator

Kevin Calhoun
MS Program Coordinator

Jason Davis
Alumni and External Affairs

Steve Pejuan
PhD Program Coordinator

Jose-Antonio Rubio
PhD Program Coordinator

Ann Stals
Alumni Engagement and Events Manager
Research Staff Awards
Distinguished Research Administrator Award
Established by the University of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), this award recognizes staff who have demonstrated years of distinguished service exemplifying the goals of professional research administration.

Betty Cummings
Research Manager

Beth Lawson
Research Manager

Virginia Wait
Administrative Manager (EECS)
Research Cores/Facilities Staff Recognition Award

Jorge Barreda Esparza
Senior Research Engineer – LNF User Services
Outstanding Advising Award
The Outstanding Advising Award honors the dedication and excellence of staff and faculty advisers across all schools and colleges at the Ann Arbor campus.
Honorable Mention

Kristen Thornton
ECE Graduate Program Manager
UMatter Staff Recognition
The UMatter Staff Recognition Program is a special program that acknowledges the tremendous efforts and contributions staff make to the University of Michigan. UMatter provides individual recognition for outstanding service and actions for more casual day-to-day performance.

Paula Pernia
ECE Facilities Manager
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Circle of Excellence for Book Design (Bronze Award)

Rose Anderson
Graphic Designer
Student Alumni Programming (Bronze Award)

Lisa Armstrong
Department Administrator

Kristin McDonough
Alumni Engagement

Ann Stals
Alumni Engagement and Events Manager