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Faculty Honors and Awards

Nobel Prize in Physics 2018

Gérard Mourou,
A. D. Moore Distinguished University Professor Emeritus

As one of the top electrical & computer engineering programs in the world, our faculty have been on the forefront of cutting-edge research with global impact. From the Nobel Prize winning invention of “the most powerful laser pulses known to humanity” to projects that revolutionized technologies for improving health, environment, sustainability, security, energy, robotics, big data, and more, our faculty are world-class. Take a look below at some of their most famous achievements.

Mingyan Liu with Professorship Medal

All Faculty Awards

From international medals to student-voted Professor of the Year awards, our faculty have a long list of accolades.

All Faculty Awards list >

Gallimore, Lafortune, Liu pose at awards ceremony

Major Professional Honors & Awards

Our faculty are renowned experts in their fields.

Major Professional Awards list >

Members of the NAE >

Student and Faculty Using Lab Equipment


Our faculty are fellows of the most prestigious and recognized organizations in the world, including the National Academy of Inventors, the Optical Society of America, and IEEE.

Fellows list >

Laura Balzano

Young Faculty Awards

These awards support scientists and engineers in the early stage of their careers who show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research.

Young Faculty Awards list >

MARLO robot on the wave field

Innovation Awards

From the Nobel Prize winning invention of Chirped Pulse Amplification to the creation of the World’s Smallest Computer, our faculty have made their mark in history while ushering in the future.

Innovation Awards list >

Faculty Members Advising Students

Education Awards

Known for enthusiasm, expertise, creativity, and compassion, our faculty are celebrated for their excellence in teaching and mentorship.

Education Awards list >