Anthony, Richard
Zeus Laboratory Engineer
Email: Office: 2006 Carl A. Gerstacker BldgArmstrong, Brian K.
Lead Research Engineer – LNF Operations
Email: Phone: (734) 615-7539Office: 1234A EECSArmstrong, Lisa
ECE Department Administratorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 936-0647Office: 3309 EECSAustin, Kathy
ECE Research Manager-4th Floor
Email: Phone: (734) 764-5220Office: 4230-D EECSBarreda Esparza, Jorge
Senior Research Engineer – LNF User Services
Email: Phone: (734) 320-4468Office: 1240 EECSBattley, Hugh
DCO Systems Administrator
Email: Phone: (734) 763-9351Office: 2917 Beyster Bldg.Bayer, Franko
Project Manager
Research Interests: Project Manager for Zettawatt-Equivalent Ultrashort Pulse Laser System (ZEUS) within the Gérard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science. His focus is complex OEM manufacturing and operations engineering (facility launch) in combination with financial forecasting and cost management (strategic and operational).WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-6894Office: 6104 ERB-1Beach, Katharine
Lead Research Engineer – LNF User Services
Email: Phone: (734) 255-9487Office: 1241 EECSBenoit, Sarah
ECE Administrative Assistant Seniorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 764-9846Office: 2114E EECSBonifer, Jill
ECE Purchasing Clerk
Email: Phone: (734) 763-8376Office: 5200 EECSBooms, Erika
Administrative Assistantshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 764-0500Office: 3228 EECS BldgBriggs, Terre
Senior Research Engineer – LNF Operations
Email: Phone: (734) 320-4470Office: 1245 EECSBrooks, Amy
ECE Research Managershe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 936-2957Office: 6106 ERB IBurkhardt, Trasa
SSEL Senior Administrative Assistantshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 763-2126Office: 2403-A EECSCampbell, Hunter
Engineer in Research Intermediate
Email: Office: 1234 EECSCardarelli, Silvia
ECE Alumni and Corporate Relations Managershe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 764-7899Office: 3306 EECS Carichner, Gordy
ECE Engineer in Research Senior
Email: Phone: (734) 936-3264Office: 2417-A EECSCarl, James
EECS Lab/Classroom Services Manager
Email: Phone: (248) 854-8930Office: 3122 EECS Bldg.Cebulski, Jessi
ECE Research Administrator Seniorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 763-8782Office: 3226 EECSChambers, Michelle
Engineer in Research Intermediateshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 417-1269Office: 1234 EECSChapman, Michelle
ECE Research Manager – 3rd floor
Email: Phone: (734) 763-2273Office: 3229 EECSDavis, Mark
Embedded Software Engineer
Email: Phone: (734) 936-3264Office: 2417-A EECSDegraffenreed, Devon
ECE Master’s Program Coordinatorhe/him/his
Email: Phone: (734) 764-9387Office: 3404 EECSDeitert, Amanda
Research Administrator Associate
Email: Phone: (734) 763-4455Office: 2114C EECSDo, Hung
ECE Engineer in Research
Email: Office: 2417A EECS Elzaiat, Aryan
Financial Specialist
Email: Phone: (734)936-0128Office: 1246A EECSErementchouk, Mikhail
Research Area Specialist Lead
Email: Phone: (734) 763-6632Office: 2828 BeysterFalkovitch-Khain, Julia
Web Designer
Email: Phone: (734) 647-0197Office: 2228 EECSFeldkamp, John
ECE Student Recruitment and Outreach Managerhe/him/his
Email: Phone: (734) 764-7077Office: 3405 EECSFeldkamp, Michele
ECE Research Administratorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1813Office: 4230-B EECSFink, Laura
Lead Operating Systems Admin.
Email: Phone: (734) 936-2978Office: 2917 Beyster Bldg.Flick, Lisa
Undergraduate Advisorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1762Office: 3415 EECSFoo, Zhiyoong
Engineer in Research Senior
Email: Phone: (734) 615-2886Office: 2431 EECSGanago, Sasha
Instructional Laboratories ManagerLEO Adjunct Professor
Email: Phone: (734) 763-3447Office: 3120 EECSGiles, Robert
Senior Computing Consultant
Email: Phone: (734) 763-9296Office: 4316 EECSHayward, Jacob
EECS Applications Programmer Leadhe/him/his
Email: Phone: (734) 763-9351Office: 2917 Beyster Bldg.Helms, Amalie
Research Administrator Lead
Email: Phone: (734) 763-4878Office: 3109 ERB1Honeycutt, Jennifer
ECE Purchasing Supervisor
Email: Phone: (734) 615-6364Office: 5200 EECSHorosko, Jeffrey
ECE Purchasing Clerk
Email: Phone: (734) 936-0795Office: 5200 EECSHower, Robert
Email:Jackson, Casey
Equipment Engineer – LNF Operations
Email: Phone: (734) 210-7434Office: 1234 EECSKalinchenko, Galina
ECE Lead Research Area Specialist
Email: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2022 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.Katnik, Steve
Research Project Engineer
Email: Phone: (734) 647-9401Office: 2477 Randall LabKim, Yejoong
Engineer in Research Senior
Email: Phone: (734) 615-2886Office: 2431 EECSKiriushechkina, Svetlana
Engineer in Research Senior
Email: Koroncey, Laura
ECE Graphic Designer
Email: Phone: (734) 763-4358Office: 3301 EECSKroslak, George
DCO Senior Research Computer Analyst
Email: Phone: (734) 764-5543Office: 2917 BeysterLawrence, Catherine
ECE Assistant Director of Academic Programs
Email: Phone: (734) 615-5529Office: 3415-A EECSLee, Michael
Building Manager
Email: Phone: (734) 764-4302Office: 3114 EECSLopera, Jeronimo
Digital Media and Marketing Specialisthe/him
Email: Phone: (734) 647-6461Office: 3304 EECSMartin, Sandrine
LNF Managing Directorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 277-2365Office: 1246D EECSMashkevich, Monica
Zeus Lab Technician
Email: Phone: 734-763-4875Office: 2006 GerstackerMason Woods, Gina
Executive Assistant to the Chair
Email: Phone: 734-764-3317Office: 3303 EECSMayfield, Matt
EECS Web Applications Developerhe/him/his
Email: Office: 2917 BeysterMcCollum, Patrick
Financial Manager
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1753McKenna, Myles
Research Engineer-LNF Operations
Email: Phone: (734) 763-9030Office: 1301 Beal AveMovens, Bobbi
EECS Instructional Laboratory SupportShe/They
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1748Office: 4316 EECSNidetz, Robert
LNF User Liaison and Domain Expert
Email: Phone: (734) 496-8065Office: 1301 Beal AvenueNovak, Kim
Administrative Assistant Inter
Email: Phone: (734) 764-0500Office: 3226 EECSO’Donnell, Michelle
Meeting and Special Events Assistant
Email: Office: 3406 EECSOonk, Matthew
Senior Research Engineer – LNF Operations
Email: Phone: (734) 646-1275Office: 1243 EECSOpal-Deitering, Gaylene
ECE Administrative Assistant SeniorOptics & Photonics and CUOS
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1719Office: 6113 ERB1Oxford, Elizabeth
Zeus Outreach Coordinatorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 647-3959Office: 6111 ERB IPernia, Paula
ECE Facilities Managershe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 764-4302Office: 3302 EECSPollina, Robert
Research Engineer – LNF Infrastructure
Email: Phone: (734) 646-7991Office: 1234 EECS Puzzuoli, Chris
EECS Web Software Developerhe/him/his
Email: Phone: (734) 647-4287Office: 4316 EECSRandolph, Linda K
DCO Senior Computing ConsultantSystem Administrator Senior
Email: Phone: (734) 764-3304Office: 4401 EECSRay, Vishva
LNF User Program Managerhe/him/his
Email: Phone: (734) 763-8105Office: 1240 EECSRhoades, Jason
MEng Program Coordinator
Email: Phone: (734) 763-3196Office: 3406 EECSRieger, Kristi
Administrative Assistant Sr.
Email: Phone: (734) 763-8557Office: 4230 EECSRuffino, Michele
Undergraduate Advisorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 763-5040Office: 3415 EECSSchefer Jr, Mark
ECE Facilities AssistantHe/him/his
Email: Phone: (734) 417-5899Office: Loading Dock, EECS buildingSchwartz, Jeremey
Engineer in Research
Email: Phone: (734) 661-9293Office: 1301 BealSchweiger, Dennis M.
Senior Director – LNF Infrastructure
Email: Phone: (734) 647-2055Office: 1246B EECSScovel, Linda
ECE Faculty Affairs Coordinator
Email: Phone: (734) 764-2390Office: 3402 EECSSebastian, Anthony
Senior Director – LNF Operations
Email: Phone: (734) 277-4735Office: 1247 EECSSlowey, Nancy
ECE Undergraduate Advising Office Assistantshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 763-2305Office: 3415 EECSStals, Ann
ECE Alumni Engagement and Events Managershe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 764-9245Office: 3305 EECSSucha, Gregg
ZEUS Laboratory Engineer Senior
Email: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2024 GerstackerThebaud, Alexandra
Research Senior Manager
Email: Phone: (734) 936-1956Office: 2114-B EECSThornton, Kristen
ECE Graduate Program Managershe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1758Office: 3403 EECSVan Camp, Richard
Zeus Laboratory Engineer
Email: Phone: (734) 763-3167Office: 2006 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.Vanderkolk, Nick
Senior Engineer in Research
Email: VanLaven, Joel
EDA/ECAD Software Administrator
Email: Phone: (734) 764-6570Office: 4401 EECSVelez, Joseph
Email: Phone: (734) 000-0000Office: 1246A EECSVyas, Punam
EECS Course Scheduling Coordinatorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: ECE: (734) 647-1754Office: 3415-C EECSWendt, Michael
Zeus Laboratory Technician
Email: Office: 6113 ERB1Wicklund, Amy A
ECE Human Resources Assistant
Email: Phone: (734) 763-3260Office: 3402 EECSWiles, Autumn
Administrative Assistant Sr.
Email: Office: 2237 EECSWiles, Hannah
Administrative Assistant Senior
Email: Phone: (734) 764-6028Office: 1301 Beal AveWinsor, Don
Departmental Computing Organization CoordinatorAdjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciencehe/him/his
WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-8543Office: 4403 EECSWinters, Steven
ECE Human Resources Manager
Email: Phone: (734) 763-9030Office: 3300 EECSWright, Shawn
Lead Research Engineer – LNF Operations
Email: Phone: (734) 417-3731Office: 1234 EECSYoung, Grant
ZEUS Laboratory Engineer Senior
Email: Phone: 734-763-4875Office: 4105 ERB1Zaenger, Elizabeth
DCO Senior Systems Administratorshe/her/hers
Email: Phone: (734) 647-1822Office: 4403 EECSZhang, Qing
Zeus Data Scientist
Email: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2006 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.