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Contact Us

Electrical and Computer Engineering
EECS Building
1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122


Interim Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jeffrey A. Fessler
3303A EECS
Assistant: Gina Mason Woods
(734) 764-3317

Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs
Peter Seiler
4223 EECS
(734) 763-6204

Department Manager
Lisa Armstrong
3309 EECS
(734) 936-0647

General Information, Room Reservations, Faculty Search
Linda Scovel
3303 EECS
(734) 763-3260

Senior Associate Chair
Anthony Grbic
3401 EECS
(734) 764-6586
Assistant: Linda Scovel
(734) 764-2390

Associate Chair for Undergraduate Affairs
P.C. Ku
2246 EECS
(734) 764-7134

Human Resources

Human Resources Manager
Steven Winters
3300 EECS
(734) 763-9030

HR and Fellowships
Amy Wicklund
3406 EECS
(734) 763-3260

Student Affairs

ECE Undergraduate Advising Office
3415 EECS
(734) 763-2305
[email protected] 
Undergraduate Advising Information

Graduate Offices
3400 EECS
(734) 764-2390 
[email protected]

ECE Student Recruiter
John Feldkamp
3405 EECS Bldg
(734) 764-7077

ECE Graduate Program Manager and
PhD Program Coordinator
Kristen Thornton
3403 EECS
(734) 647-1758

MS/MSE Program Coordinator
Devon DeGraffenreed
3404 EECS
(734) 764-9387

MENG Program Coordinator
Jason Rhoades
3406 EECS


Communications & Marketing Manager
Catharine June
3301 EECS
(734) 936-2965

Graphic Designer
Laura Koroncey
3301 EECS
(734) 763-4358

Communications Specialist
Mena Davidson
3301 EECS
(734) 763-2883

Digital Media & Marketing Specialist
Jero Lopera
3304 EECS
(734) 647-6461

Events and Alumni Affairs

Alumni Engagement and Events Manager
Ann Stals
3305 EECS
(734) 764-9245

Alumni and Corporate Relations Manager
Silvia Cardarelli
3306 EECS
(734) 764-7899


ECE Facilities Manager
Paula Pernia
3302 EECS
office: (734) 764-4302
cell: (734) 274-0071

ECE Facilities Assistant
Mark Schefer, Jr.
Loading Dock, EECS Bldg.
(734) 417-5899

ECE Building Manager
Michael Lee
3114 EECS
(734) 763-9756

General Contact Info:
Issues and questions: [email protected]
Urgent building maintenance: (734) 647-2059
Police/Medical/Fire emergencies: 911
Non-emergency DPSS: (734) 763-1131

Lost and Found

If you lost something in the building, please complete this form and we will let you know if it was turned in.

IT, Lab, Web Support

Departmental Computing Organization (DCO) for EECS IT Support
DCO website: eecs.umich.edu/dco
[email protected]

Instructional Lab Support
[email protected]Additional Information

Additional IT Resources
Department, College, and University IT support

Website Support[email protected]