Karen Liska Receives CoE Judith A. Pitney Staff Service Career Award
The award recognizes the significant contributions of a single CoE staff member with at least 10 years of service. Congratulations, Karen!

Karen Liska, EECS Human Resources Coordinator, has been selected to receive the 2009 College of Engineering’s Judith A. Pitney Staff Service Career Award, which recognizes the significant contributions of a single CoE staff member with at least 10 years of service.
Karen joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in 1983, and has demonstrated sustained and unmatched excellence over her 25+ years of service to the EECS Department. As Farnam Jahanian, Chair of Computer Science and Engineering put it, “Karen is an exceptionally gifted individual whose dedication, effectiveness, and organization skills have, simply stated, amazed the faculty who regularly interact with her.”
Karen has represented the department on numerous college and university committees, providing valuable guidance and contributing toward policy on a broad range of issues pertaining to human resources. Her range of involvement is so broad that it is difficult summarize: she has served on the Integrated Disability Management Advisory Group, the Unit Administer Workforce Group, the Effort Certification Group, the Graduate Students Benefits Group,the Faculty and Staff Immigration Advisory Group, the Research Administration Network (RAIN) Team, and the University Business Processes Re-Engineering Team, amongst others. She is often called on by other departments and organizations within the University for advice and feedback.
Karen also provides support for CoE New Faculty orientation sessions, is a CoE I-9 Compliance Officer, and assists in the assignment of Graduate Student Instructors for professors, lecturers, and research scientists in EECS.
Not only has Karen made a significant impact and contribution toward the goals of EECS and the College of Engineering, she has made significant contributions to the University as a whole.
Karen will be honored with the College of Engineering Judith A. Pitney Staff Service Career Award at a public ceremony in Chesebrough Auditorium Friday, May 8 at 3pm.