Computer Engineering majors have careers anywhere there are computers, which is virtually everywhere. Our graduates can be found doing anything from designing controllers embedded in cars up to building the latest hot game.
Electrical engineering is all about information and energy. Electrical engineers control things, sense things, power things, design and build electronic devices, process signals, design computers, connect things and people – and lots more.
A Minor in Electrical Engineering provides an avenue for a diverse education for students outside of the EECS department, and can enhance your experience with any number of other fields.
Are you a college student in the Atlanta University Center Consortium interested in engineering? Check out our Dual Degree in Engineering program, which allows you to earn a degree in LSA from your home school and an Engineering degree from us!
Our students have a wide variety of passions, interests, and hobbies. Learn about their work outside the classroom, internships, research, student clubs, families, goals, and impact.