Master’s in ECE

Plan of Study

Completing a Plan of Study form allows you to plan your courses to make sure you meet all the degree requirements. As you complete the form, please refer to the following information:

  • All degree requirements must be letter graded (A-E) courses except for the “total credits” and “optional” degree requirements.
  • Technical courses are engineering, math, statistics, and science courses.
  • Entrepreneurship courses and AERO 585 are not technical courses.
  • The following course may not be counted for any degree requirements:
    • Math 404, 417, 425, 448, 450 or their cross-listed classes
    • CPT credit (ENGR 998)
    • ELI courses
    • Courses with number 990, 995 or other course with “doctoral,” “dissertation,” or “preliminary” in the title