EECS 532: Radar Remote Sensing

InstructorProfessor Fawwaz Ulaby

Microwave emission by natural materials, microwave and millimeter-wave radiometer design and operation, applications of satellite microwave radiometry to sensing and mapping atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial parameters.

Microwave Radar and Radiometric Remote Sensing, Fawwaz Ulaby and David Long, UM Press, 2014.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Chapter 3: Remote-Sensing Antennas
Chapter 4: Microwave Dielectric Properties of Natural Earth Materials
Chapter 6: Microwave Radiometry and Radiative Transfer
Chapter 7: Microwave Radiometric Systems
Chapter 8: Microwave Interaction with Atmospheric Constituents
Chapter 9: Radiometric Sounding of the Atmosphere
Chapter 12: Emission Models and Land Observations
Chapter 18: Radiometric Remote Sensing of the Ocean