EECS 311: Analog Circuits

EECS 311 covers single-transistor amplifier design and analysis of circuits commonly used in audio amplifiers, wireless radios, and several other interface applications. Non-linear, large-signal models for diodes, MOSFETs, and BJTs are introduced. The concept of biasing transistors at an operating point and analyzing gain and frequency response using small-signal analysis is also covered. Active filters and non-ideal operational amplifiers are also reviewed. Common amplifier topologies and design strategies are analyzed, and students implement these through a series of lab experiments.

Lab 1: Active Filters
Lab 2: Non-Ideal Opamps
Lab 3: Perpetual LED
Lab 4: Single-Stage Amplifier
Lab 5: Three-Stage Amplifier

Additional Information
Please see the EECS 311 Course Website for more information.

Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering). 7th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

• Non-Ideal Opamps
• Active Filters, Sallen & Key
• Diodes
• BJTs
• Transistor Amplifiers
• Small-Signal Analysis
• Frequency Response
• Multi-Stage Amplifiers
• Current Sources and Mirrors

circuit board
Circuit board
Circuit board