EECS 455: Wireless Communication Systems

This course covers many aspects of digital communications systems. First, the fundamental tradeoff between bandwidth efficiency and energy efficiency in communication systems is discussed. Signal design and bandwidth are explored. Principles of optimum receiver/matched filtering are taught. Analysis of performance of digital communications is investigated. A variety of modulation schemes including binary phase shift keying, quadrature amplitude modulation, frequency shift keying are covered. Error control techniques including convolutional codes and block codes are included in the course material. Applications to GPS, digital cellular telephone and wireless local area networks are part of the course as well.
Additional Information
Video: Spectral Mask for WiFi (802.11)
None required. Course notes will be provided.
1) Introduction and Overview of Course
2) Review of Linear Time-Invariant Systems
3) Review of Probability Random Processes
4) Signals
5) Generation of Signals (Simulation, Matlab)
6) Baseband Digital Transmission Systems
7) Bandpass Digital Transmission Systems
8) Signal Space Concepts
9) Global Positioning System
10) Noncoherent Demodulation
11) Free Space Propagation
12) Error Correcting Codes
13) Cellular Communication Systems