EECS 579: Digital System Testing

Instructor: Professor John P. Hayes

This course examines the theory and practice of fault analysis, test generation, and design for testability for digital circuits and systems.

A term project or paper is required which is tailored to individual student interests, and typically involve one of the following:
A. Programming a test generation or simulation algorithm covered in the course
B. In-depth literature survey of some advanced topic
C. Individual research into some special topic or problem
D. Experiments with commercial test and simulation CAD hardware or software
All projects require a written report and an oral presentation to the class at the end of the term. Item D is subject to availability of the hardware and software needed.

Bushnell, Michael L., and Vishwani D. Agrawal. Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory, and Mixed-signal VLSI Circuits. New York, NY: Springer, 2000.

This course examines the theory and practice of fault analysis, test generation, and design for testability for digital circuits and systems. The topics to be covered include: circuit and system modeling; fault sources and models; fault simulation methods; test generation algorithms for combinational and sequential circuits, including PODEM; testability measures; design-for-testability techniques; built-in self-testing (BIST); processor and memory testing, design verification, special topics. Current research issues, including topics suitable for M.S. or Ph.D. research will be discussed. A term project or paper is also part of the course.

Lecture Plan
TopicBushnell/Agrawal Book
IntroductionChap. 1, 2, 3
Fault modelingChap. 4
Combinational circuit testingChap. 6, 7
Sequential circuit testingChap. 8
Delay testingChap. 12
System testingChap. 9, 18
Design for testabilityChap. 6, 14
Built-in self-testingChap. 15, 16
Fault simulationChap. 5
Misc. topicsTBA