Home > Community > Student Life & Wellness > Student Ambassadors Program > Current Ambassadors > Alex Ritchie
Alex Ritchie
Doctoral student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Anticipated Graduation: May 2022
[email protected]
Research Area: Signal and Image Processing and Machine Learning
Advisors: Prof. Laura Balzano and Prof. Clay Scott
Research Project: Alex’s work is mainly concerned with the intersection of optimization and machine learning. He’s worked on projects related to optimization for deep learning, manifold optimization, and nonparametric statistics.
- BS Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
- MS Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan
- IEEE – University of Michigan
- Michigan Statistical Machine Learning Reading Group (SMLRG)
- Collegiate Recovery Program
- Writing/recording music
- Board games
- Traveling
Alex Says
“My favorite thing about Michigan is the breadth of academic programs and student experience. I have friends in majors ranging from engineering to philosophy to social work. I love being exposed to new ideas way outside the narrow focus I have as a PhD student.”