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Graduate Course List By Area

This page provides a list of graduate-level ECE courses. The courses are divided into the 12 research areas a graduate student can major in.

Click on the column header to sort.

M = Counts as a Major Area course automatically
E = Counts as a Major Area course after approval by an advisor

Course descriptions are found in the Bulletin.
See also our list of cognate courses.

Table Key

CM = Network, Communication, and Information SystemsMM = MEMS & Microsystems
CT = Control SystemsOP = Optics & Photonics
CV = Computer VisionPE = Power & Energy
EM = Applied Electromagetics & RF CircuitsRO = Robotics
ES = Embedded SystemsSP = Signal & Image Processing and Machine Learning
IC = Integrated Circuits & VLSISS = Solid State & Nanotechnology
wdt_ID Course Number & Name Credits CM CT CV EM ES IC MM OP PE RO SP SS
1 EECS 411. Microwave Circuits I 4 M M E
2 EECS 413. Monolithic Amplifier Circuits 4 M E
3 EECS 414. Introduction to MEMS 4 E M
4 EECS 417 (BIOMEDE 417). Electrical Biophysics 4
5 EECS 418. Power Electronics 4 E E M
6 EECS 419. Electric Machinery and Drives 4 M
9 EECS 421. Properties of Transistors 4 E E
10 EECS 423. Micro/Nano Device Fabrication and Characterization 4 E E
11 EECS 425. Integrated Microsystems Laboratory 4 M E M E
12 EECS 427. VLSI Design I 4 M E
17 EECS 428. Quant Nano Techs 3
18 EECS 429. Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices 4 E
19 EECS 430 (SPACE 431)(CLIMATE 431). Wireless Link Design 4 M
20 EECS 434. Principles of Photonics 4 E E
21 EECS 438. Advanced Lasers and Optics Laboratory 4 E
22 EECS 442. Computer Vision 4 E E M
23 EECS 444. Analysis Social Networks 4
25 EECS 452. Digital Signal Processing Design Laboratory 4 M
26 EECS 453. Principles of Machine Learning 4
27 EECS 455. Wireless Communications Systems 4 E
28 EECS 458 (BIOMEDE 458). Biomedical Instrumentation and Design 4 E
29 EECS 460. Control Systems Analysis and Design 4 M M E
30 EECS 461. Embedded Control Systems 4 M M E
31 EECS 463. Power Systems Design and Operation 4 M E
32 EECS 464. Hands-on Robotics 4 M
34 EECS 470. Computer Architecture 4 E M
35 EECS 473. Advanced Embedded Systems 4 M E
36 EECS 477. Introduction to Algorithms 4 E
37 EECS 478. Logic Circuit Synthesis and Optimization 4 M
38 EECS 480. Social Computing Systems 4
41 EECS 498. Special Topics 1-4 E E E E E E E E E E E E
42 ECE 501. Probability and Random Processes 4 M E E M
43 ECE 502. Stochastic Processe 3 M M
44 ECE 503 Numerical Electromagnetics 3 M
45 EECS 504. Foundations of Computer Vision 3 M E M M
46 ECE 505. Computational Data Science and Machine Learning 4 E E M E
47 ECE 509. BioMEMS 3 M
48 ECE 510 (NERS 675): Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Surface Interactions 3 M E E
49 ECE 511. Integrated Analog/Digital Interface Circuits 4 M E
50 ECE 512. Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductor Thin Film Devices 3 E
51 ECE 513. Flat Panel Displays 3 E
52 ECE 514. Advanced MEMS Devices and Technologies 4 E M
53 ECE 515. Integrated Microsystems 4 M E M
54 ECE 516 (BIOMEDE 516). Medical Imaging Systems 3 M
55 ECE 517 (NERS 578). Low Temperature Plasmas 3 M E E
56 ECE 518 (AOSS 595). Magnetosphere and Solar Wind 3
57 ECE 519 (NERS 575) Plasma Generation and Diag. Lab. 4 E
58 ECE 520. Solid State Physics 4 M
59 ECE 521. Solid State Devices 3 M
60 EECS 522. Analog Integrated Circuits 4 M E
61 EECS 523. Digital Integrated Technology 4 M E E
62 ECE 525. Advanced Solid State Microwave Circuits 3 M E E E
63 ECE 526. Plasmonics 3 M E M E
65 ECE 528 Principles of Microelectronics Process Technology 3 E E
66 ECE 529. Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs 3 E
67 ECE 530 (APPPHYS 530). Electromagnetic Theory I 3 M
68 ECE 531. Antenna Theory and Design 3 M
69 ECE 532 (CLIMATE 587) (SPACE 587). Microwave Remote Sensing I: Radiometry 3 M
70 ECE 533. Microwave Measurements Laboratory 3 M E
71 ECE 534. Analysis of Electric Power Distribution Systems and Loads 3 M
72 ECE 535. Power System Dynamics and Control 3 M
73 ECE 536. Power System Markets and Optimization 3 M
74 ECE 537 (APPPHYS 537). Classical Optics 3 M
75 ECE 538 (APPPHYS 550) (PHYSICS 650). Optical Waves in Crystals 3 M
76 ECE 539 (APPPHYS 551) (PHYSICS 651). Lasers 3 M
77 ECE 540 (APPPHYS 540). Applied Quantum Mechanics I 3 E E
78 ECE 541 (APPPHYS 541). Applied Quantum Mechanics II 3 E E
79 EECS 542. Advanced Topics in Computer Vision 3 M E E
80 ECE 544. Analysis of Social Networks 3 M
81 EECS 545. Machine Learning (CSE) 3 E E
82 ECE 546 (APPPHYS 546). Ultrafast Optics 3 E
83 ECE 550. Information Theory 3 M E E
84 ECE 551. Matrix Methods for Signal Processing, Data Analysis, & Machine Learning 4 E E M E M
86 ECE 552 (APPPHYS 552) Fiber Optics: Internet to Biomedical Applications 3 E E E
87 EECS 553: Machine Learning (ECE) 3 E E M
88 ECE 554. Introduction to Digital Communication and Coding 3 M
89 ECE 555. Digital Communication Theory 3 E
90 ECE 556. Image Processing 3 E E M
91 ECE 557. Communication Networks 3 M
92 ECE 558. Stochastic Control 3 M M
93 ECE 559. Optimization Methods in Signal Processing and Machine Learning 3 M
94 ECE 560 (AEROSP 550) (CEE 571) (MECHENG 564). Linear Systems Theory 4 M E E
95 ECE 561 (MECHENG 561). Design of Digital Control Systems 3 M M E
96 ECE 562 (AEROSP 551). Nonlinear Systems and Control 3 M E E
97 ECE 563: Hybrid Systems 3 M E
98 ECE 564. Estimation, Filtering, and Detection 3 E E M E M
99 ECE 565. Linear Feedback Control Systems 3 M M E
100 ECE 566. Discrete Event Systems 3 M M
101 EECS 567 (MFG 567) (MECHENG 567) (ROB 510). Robotic Kinematics and Dynamics 3 E M
102 EECS 568 (NAVARCH 568)(ROB 530). Mobile Robotics: Methods and Algorithms 4 E M M
103 ECE 569 (MFG 564). Production Systems Engineering 3
104 EECS 570. Parallel Computer Architecture 4 E M
105 EECS 571. Principles of Real-Time Computing 4 E E
106 EECS 573. Microarchitecture 3 M
109 ECE 598. Special Topics in EECS 1-4 E E E E E E E E E E E E
110 ECE 599. Directed Study
(Counts towards "optional credits" only)
111 ECE 600 (IE 600). Function Space Methods in System Theory 3 E M
112 ECE 620. Electronic and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 4 E
113 EECS 627. VLSI Design II 4 M E
114 EECS 628. Advanced High Performance VLSI Design 3-4 M E
115 ECE 631. Electromagnetic Scattering 3 M
117 ECE 633. Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics 3 M
118 ECE 634 (APPPHYS 611) (Physics 611). Nonlinear Optics 3 E E
119 ECE 638 (PHYSICS 542). Quantum Optics 3 E
120 ECE 650. Channel Coding Theory 3 M
121 ECE 659. Adaptive Signal Processing 3 M
123 ECE 662 (MECHENG 662). Advanced Nonlinear Control 3 E E
124 ECE 698. Master's Thesis
(Counts towards "optional credits" only)
125 ECE 699. Research Work in EECS
(Counts towards "optional credits" only)
126 ECE 755. Special Topics in Signal Processing 1-4 E
127 ECE 990. Dissertation/Pre-Candidate 1-4
128 ECE 995. Dissertation/Candidate 8
129 PHYS 453. Quantum Mechanics 3 E
130 ROB 501. Mathematics for Robotics 3 E E
131 ROB 550. Robotics Systems Laboratory 4 E M
132 EECS 507. Introduction to Embedded Systems Research 3-4 M E
133 ECE 730. Special Topics in Electromagnetics 3 M
134 ECE 506. Design of Power Electronics 3 M E
135 ECE 508. Control and Modeling of Power Electronics 3 M E
136 EECS 467: Autonomous Robotics Design Experience 4 E M
137 ECE 605: Data Science and Machine Learning Design Laboratory 4 E E
138 ECE 524: Organic Electronics 3 M
139 ROB 535 (NAVARCH 565). Self Driving Cars 3
140 ECE 602. Reinforcement Learning Theory 3 E E E
141 ECE 527: Power Semiconductor Devices E E E M
142 ECE 590. Skills for Success in Graduate Studies (counts towards "S/U credits" only) 1
Course Number & Name Credits CM CT CV EM ES IC MM OP PE RO SP SS