ECE Willie Hobbs Moore Distinguished Alumni Lecture
The ECE Willie Hobbs Moore Alumni Lecture is given by ECE alumni from traditionally underrepresented groups in Electrical and Computer Engineering who are leaders in their field and serve as role models for the ECE community through their leadership, impact on society, service to the community, or other contributions.

Dr. Willie Hobbs Moore (1934–1994) was the first Black woman at Michigan to earn a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering (‘58 and ‘61), and the first Black woman in the country to earn a PhD in physics in 1972 (which she also earned from U-M). She joined Ford Motor Company in 1977, where she was known for expanding the use of Japanese engineering and manufacturing methods. She was named one of the 100 “most promising black women in corporate America” by Ebony magazine in 1991.
Learn more about Dr. Moore >
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