Communications and Signal Processing Seminar

Image Processing using the Julia Language – A Tutorial

Jeff FesslerProfessorUniversity of Michigan Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1005 EECS Building

Abstract Julia is a relatively new programming language that combines many of the best features of languages like Python and tools like Matlab. One interacts with Julia like other high-level scripting languages, e.g., through Jupyter notebooks, yet Julia has excellent computational performance because it is built on top of the LLVM compiler. This tutorial will illustrate some of language features in the context of implementing image processing applications like image denoising and image super-resolution.

Biography Jeffrey A. Fessler is the William L. Root Collegiate Professor of EECS. He is a Professor in the ECE Division of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department of the College of Engineering, located within the scenic North Campus of The University of Michigan in the terrific town of Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is also affiliated with the Biomedical Engineering Department and with the Division of Nuclear Medicine within the Department of Radiology. The University of Michigan has been rated as the top US public university and is a great place to work.


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Judi Jones(734) 763-8557

Faculty Host

Vijay SubramanianUniversity of Michigan Department of EECS