Welcome new students!
Congratulations and welcome to our new class of students!
Undergrad Students Designing and Dreaming
The College of Engineering saw record numbers of applications (more than 11,000) for the undergraduate program at Michigan, leading to one of the largest, most diverse, and best prepared classes ever. We’ll welcome them into our ECE programs, electrical engineering and computer engineering, when it comes time to declare.
Some first year students have already begun to work in teams, mentored by current students, at the 2-day Design Immersion event. Click on the video to listen to Matthew Bell, a first year student, talk about turning his biological energy into electrical energy, and perhaps hooking that up to a computer.

Listen to 3 other students talk about the opportunities they want to take advantage of at Michigan (Solar Car Team, Baja Racing, Multidisciplinary Design, SWE, using engineering for health and healing, to rebuild cities, and to inspire others to change the world), and view some photos from orientation week.
Grad Students Getting to Know Each Other

We are welcoming hundreds of graduate students to ECE this year, and have already begun the process of orienting them to the department. This year’s class brings nearly 160 new master’s students and 55 new doctoral students to Michigan.
They will soon be diving into their courses and research projects. Many will be racking up fellowships and paper awards along the way, such as Nathan Roberts, who won a best paper award at the latest IEEE Subthreshold Microelectronics Conference. His design of an ultra-low power receiver for wireless sensor node applications will facilitate remote patient monitoring through wireless body area networks.
These extremely talented and motivated students are the backbone of our $35M per year research program. Having the best graduate students is a big part of what makes ECE great!