Shang-Hua Yang receives SPIE Scholarship in Optics & Photonics
Yang’s research is focused on designing plasmonic nano-structures to enhance efficiency of conventional photoconductive terahertz emitters.

Shang Hua Yang has been selected to receive a 2012 SPIE Scholarship in Optics & Photonics to advance his research in the area of high-performance terahertz sources.
Shang Hua is a first year electrical engineering Ph.D. student working with Professor Mona Jarrahi. His research is focused on designing plasmonic nano-structures to enhance efficiency of conventional photoconductive terahertz emitters.
The proposed research is expected to result in lightweight, low cost, and high power terahertz sources, which would have a tremendous impact on the next generation of terahertz imaging and chemical detection systems.

About the Award
SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics, and was founded to advance an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light. Recipients of the SPIE educational scholarship are selected based on their prospect for long-term contributions to the field of optics, photonics or a related field.