Class of 2020 ECE Memories
ECE graduating students reflect on their time at U-M and share their favorite memories, photos, and advice to incoming students.
Please visit our Graduation 2020 pages!
To mark this momentous occasion in these unprecedented times, we created this digital story featuring student voices.
Here, ECE students from the Class of 2020 reflect on their favorite memories of their time at U-M and share advice to incoming students.
Jiayi Chen, Computer Engineering undergrad

Morteza Fayazi, ECE Master’s

“One day as one of our student organization (Islamic Society of Ahl-Al-Bayt (ISA)) events, we went to UofM hospital to appreciate nurses and all staff efforts on nurse day last year.”
Chuxuan Fu, ECE Master’s
“My favorite classes were EECS 413, EECS 522, and EECS 530. The professors are very smart and teach things in a very special but clear way.”
Susan Goodridge, Electrical Engineering undergrad

“Michigan Engineering is tough – there are many late nights, missed opportunities to hang out with friends, and maybe even a few tears (or a lot). My one saving grace was finding women like me that were going through the exact same thing. I had classes with my two best friends Katy and Christine for the second half of college, and their consistent work ethic and support is what made the late nights surmountable. You might have heard us laughing loudly about something silly in the EECS atrium booths, which probably made everyone else trying to study pretty upset! My advice to incoming students: when your classes get tough and you feel like there’s no way you can make it by yourself, find that core group of friends that will lift you up. I know I did, and my EECS girls will be with me long after college. Oh, and make sure you try out the EECS vending machines…they have the best peanut M&Ms.”
Tejas Harith, Computer Engineering undergrad
“What a time to be alive!”

Lakshmi Venkatesh Kakumani, ECE Master’s

Tarun Khubchandani, Computer Engineering undergrad
“The memories I’ve made at the University of Michigan are ones I’ll cherish forever. Thank you to all of the faculty that have pushed me over the last four years to keep growing as an engineer and who have been motivators through all of the seemingly impossible problem sets and projects. To my friends and family who have had my back through it all, from the all nighters to the celebratory drinks, you are what made this experience so memorable and I couldn’t have done this without you! GO BLUE!”

Hanpyo Lee, ECE Master’s
“I came with two family members in Michigan and now I have three family members. Michigan will always be a good memory for me. Congratulations both graduating class and incoming students. Go blue!”

Jeremy Maurice, Electrical Engineering undergrad

“I went to Disneyworld and averaged more than one ‘Go Blue’ per day!”
Kit Ng, Electrical Engineering undergrad
“Three pieces of advice:
- If it works, don’t touch it… if you don’t want to learn.
- Study abroad.
- Explore courses outside of your major if you can. You’ll never know what you will find.”

Ryan Slade, Computer Engineering undergrad

“So crazy that my time at Michigan has come to an end! A strange way to finish to say the least, but I am so grateful for everything I have learned in class, the professional opportunities I have been granted, and the close friends I’ve made along the way.
- Best place I’ve gotten a ‘Go Blue’? Backpacking in the middle-of-nowhere-Utah
- Favorite class? EECS 280 (S/O to all the great people I’ve met on course staff)
- Best memory? Demolishing ND in the pouring rain at the Big House
Thank you to all of my professors, friends, and family who have supported me throughout my time at Michigan! Go Blue!”
Chockalingam Ravi Sundaram, ECE Master’s
- Favorite Course: EECS 442, EECS 598-007
- Favorite Ann Arbor restaurants: Sava’s and Frita Batidos
My time at UMich has been incredible and I cherish every moment I have spent here at Ann Arbor. The faculty, staff and my peers have been great and I would recommend UMich to all those who want to excel in their respective fields.”

Qixuan Sun, ECE Master’s
- Favorite classes: EECS 470 EECS 533 EECS 531 EECS 522 and the professors and projects of these classes.
- Favorite places: Duder and NCRB.
- Advice to the incoming students: Do your career plan as early as possible. Talk to senior students or alumni who’ve got interns or jobs and think carefully about what classes that you’re going to take because some are not offered every term or year.
Ruiqi Wang, Computer Engineering undergrad
“Start early!”

Jack Wisbiski, Electrical Engineering undergrad
“My favorite event was 7am band practice on Saturdays in the fall. The sound of the band wakes campus up, the sun rises, and everything about the atmosphere is undeniably that of Michigan gameday. There’s nothing like it.
“EECS is hard. There’s no way around that, and the people who go into it aren’t the people who back away from a challenge. Accept the challenge and rise to it, but be kind to yourself and make sure that you have fun along the way.”

Anthony Wohlfeil, Computer Engineering undergrad
“My advice to younger students is to take advantage of every opportunity. There’s a million things to do at Michigan and you have the ability to pursue anything that you want (even if it’s not directly related to your field of study). It’s cliché to say that it goes by faster than you think, but it’s absolutely true. It seems like one day you’re in East Quad for orientation, then the next you’re turning in your last assignment of undergrad, so make the most of every minute.”

Submit your memories here.