Celebrating a Leader in Control Systems

Friends, colleagues, students, and alumni attended a workshop in honor of Demos Teneketzis on July 28-29, 2016
Teneketzis reception - former students Enlarge

Friends and former students of Prof. Demos Teneketzis celebrated his 65th birthday with a Workshop on Information, Decisions, and Networks, held July 28-29, 2016.

In all, more than 60 friends and colleagues attended, including 20 of Demos’ former and current students. Speakers came from around the world and represented all corners of industry and academia, including Texas A&M University, the University of California, Berkeley, Nokia, Hewlett Packard, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and Delft University of Technology.

The title of the workshop reflects the breadth of Demos’ research interests. He has made fundamental contributions to information structures in decentralized stochastic control, decentralized sequential detection, multi-armed bandits, scheduling resource allocation and routing in networks, diagnosability in discrete event systems, real-time communication and information theory, mechanism design, energy markets, and cyber-physical security.

In addition, Demos is an exemplary teacher who has educated numerous students on stochastics through his popular courses on stochastic processes and stochastic control. Demos has graduated 21 Ph.D. students, who have gone on to pursue successful careers in academia and industry. He is currently supervising four Ph.D. students.

View Videos of the Talks

"Reaching a Rational Expectations Equilibrium Among a Group of Agents" by Pravin Varaiya
"Mobile Networks Evolution from LTE to 5G: Algorithms and Architecture" by Rajeev Agrawal
"The Prices of Packets and Watts: Optimal Control of Decentralized Systems" by PR Kumar
"Interaction of Controllers in Decentralized Control" by Jan van Schuppen
"Scheduling Problems in NFV" by Manjara Asawa
"Backoff Algorithms for Random Access Protocols" by Nah-Oak Song
"Intersecting Random Graphs" by Armand Makowski
"Dynamic Stochastic Network Interdiction Games" by David Castañón
"Strategic Information Transmission" by Tamer Başar
"Multi-Agent Collaborative Decision Making: Constrained Event Algebras, New Logics and Their Game Theoretic Semantics" by John Baras
"A Relative Entropy Characterization of the Growth Rate of Reward in Risk-Sensitive Control" by Venkat Anantharam
"Optimal Server Allocation in Tandem Systems" by Dimitris Pandelis
"When we Should Trust Self-Driving Cars" by Manju Hegde
"101 Definitions of Diagnosability or Lack Thereof" by Stéphane Lafortune
Demosthenis Teneketzis; Division News