Other Seminar
Surface Engineering Concepts
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Zoom Link: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/93315594357?pwd=eE4wQS9lZjA2aloyMkQ2dG5CS21kZz09
Meeting ID: 933 1559 4357 — Passcode: 689715
Abstract: The precise control of interfacial properties is of outermost importance in cardiac tissue engineering. This lecture will review a range of chemical and physical methods used to alter the surface properties of biomaterials.
Bio: Prior to joining the University of Michigan in 2003, Prof. Lahann conducted postgraduate studies under the supervision of Prof. Robert S. Langer at MIT (1999-2003). Since 2012, he has been the founding director of the University of Michigan Biointerfaces Institute. The Biointerfaces Institute is located on 55,000 sq ft of research space in the North Campus Research Complex and is the home to 27 research groups and about 350 researchers. It is the mandate of the Biointerfaces Institute to bridge between Engineering and the Physical Sciences and Medicine and thus facilitate translational research.
Prof. Lahann is a co-author of more than 210 publications including papers in Science, Nature Materials, Nature Biotechnology, or PNAS and has contributed to 50 patents and patent applications. He has been selected by Technology Review as one of the top 100 young investigators and the recipient of the 2007 Nanoscale Science and Engineering Award, a NSF-CAREER award, and both a single-PI and a team Idea award (2006 & 2011) from the US Department of Defense. In 2011, he was elected as a fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. Prof. Lahann has an h-index of 54; 111 of his publications published after 2012 have been cited more than 10 times by other researchers (i10-index: 111, source: google scholar).