Student Event
New directions in metamorphic photovoltaics and self-assembled quantum dots (NIMSA Seminar)

I will present progress on three projects in my group that are unified by their need for strained or lattice-mismatched growth. The first topic is molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) of metamorphic InGaP and GaAsP for solar cells.
Next, I will discuss the strain-driven growth and luminescence properties of InGAAs quantum dots (QDs) on GaP.
The third topic is my group's recent discovery that dislocation-free, tensile-strained nanostructures can be grown on substrates.
Mingoo Larry Lee received the Sc.B. degree from Brown University, and the Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently working at Yale University as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. The Lee Group at Yale works at the intersection between electrical engineering and materials science. The ability to understand and control phenomena that arise from materials mismatch creates new opportunities in fields ranging from photovoltaics to high-speed electronics. They focus on establishing connections between epitaxial growth conditions, micro/nanostructure, optical/electrical properties, and device performance.
He was a recipient of the Gold Award from the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (2003) and George E. Smith Best Paper Award from the IEEE Electron Device Society (2005). He received the NSF CAREER Award in 2010. He was recently named a recipient of the 2011 Young Faculty Award from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the area of Photonics and Lasers for his work on InGaAs Quantum Dots on GaP/Si: A New Platform for Si-Based Light Emitters. More information about his work can be found from his profile webpage at Yale or at the Lee Group website at