Control Seminar
Exergy-wise Control of Energy Systems: A Promising Paradigm to Enable Maximum Energy Conversion Efficiency in Systems
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ABSTRACT: Control of complex energy systems requires knowledge of multi-physics system dynamics and integration of this knowledge into controller design. A majority of the existing controllers for energy systems are based on the First Law of Thermodynamics (FLT). These FLT energy-based controllers cannot provide maximum efficiency for energy systems due to the limited knowledge that can be derived from FLT. Alternatively, exergy is the available energy to do work; it is defined based on the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics and determines the sources of deficiency in a system. Exergy-wise controllers can provide ultimate energy conversion efficiency by minimizing exergy destruction and reducing irreversible entropy generation in a system. In this talk, a novel exergy-wise control framework is introduced. The exergy-wise control framework is generic and applicable to all energy systems. The benefit of the proposed framework will be demonstrated for energy systems in the transportation and building sectors, which combined consume 59% of the total energy in the world.
BIO: Mahdi Shahbakhti is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta in Canada. He was previously a faculty member at Michigan Tech University (2012-2019), a post-doctoral scholar at the University of California-Berkeley (2010-2012) and received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta in 2009. He worked several years on control of dynamic systems in the automotive (2001-2004), robotic (2000-2001), and HVAC (1998-2000) industries. His research has centered on developing physical/data-driven dynamical models and model-based control techniques with applications in energy systems in vehicles and buildings. He has co-authored more than 170 peer-reviewed publications in the field of controls and energy systems. His research has been funded by, among others, Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, SSHRC, the US National Science Foundation, ARPA-E, the US Department of Energy, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Toyota Motor Company. Dr. Shahbakhti is currently chair of ASME Dynamic Systems Control Division (DSCD) Automotive and Transportation Systems Technical Committee and the former chair (2018-2020) of Energy Systems Technical Committee. He serves as the Associate Editor for ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, and was the Associate Editor for International Journal of Powertrains (2014-2020).