Dissertation Defense

Compressed Sensing in Multi-Signal Environments

Jae Young Park


Technological advances and the ability to build cheap high performance sensors make it possible to deploy tens or even hundreds of sensors to acquire information about a common phenomenon of interest. The increasing number of sensors allows us to acquire ever more detailed information about the underlying scene that was not possible before.
This, however, directly translates to increasing amounts of data that needs to be acquired, transmitted, and processed. The amount of data can be overwhelming, especially in applications that involve high-resolution signals such as images or videos. Compressed sensing (CS) is a novel acquisition and reconstruction scheme that is particularly useful in scenarios when high resolution signals are difficult or expensive to encode. When applying CS in a multi-signal scenario, there are several aspects that need to be considered such as the sensing matrix, the joint signal model, and the reconstruction algorithm. The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a complete treatment of these aspects in various multi-signal environments. Specific applications include video, multi-view imaging, and structural health monitoring systems. For each application, we propose a novel joint signal model that accurately captures the joint signal structure, and we tailor the reconstruction algorithm to each signal model to successfully recover the signals of interest.

Sponsored by

Prof. Anna Gilbert, Prof. Michael Wakin