Twelve students inducted into the 2021 Excellence in ECE Honor Roll

This Honor Roll was created to recognize students who go above and beyond for our community by volunteering outside of academic, professional, and student club commitments

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) congratulates the 2021 inductees to the Excellence in ECE Honor Roll. This Honor Roll recognizes students who’ve gone above and beyond in service to the ECE department through their contributions to department-specific events and programming designed to foster an inclusive, supportive community for all.

The 2021 Honor Roll recognizes service done between May 1st, 2020 and April 30th, 2021.

2021 Inductees

Omar Abdelatty headshot Enlarge

Omar Abdelatty

Service: Hosted ECE Culture Club – Egypt

Degree program: Doctoral
Advisors: Prof. Amir Mortazawi and Prof. David Wentzloff
Research specialization: Energy-efficient wireless connectivity chips and wireless charging circuits for IoT applications.

Isha Bhatt headhsot in grad cap and WECE shirt Enlarge

Isha Bhatt

Service: Co-founding “Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WECE)”

Degree program: Undergraduate
Major: Computer Engineering
Academic specialization: Embedded Systems.

Enakshi Deb headshot Enlarge

Enakshi Deb

Service: Co-founding “Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WECE)”

Degree program: Undergraduate
Major: Electrical Engineering
Academic specialization: Embedded Systems.

Osvaldo Gutierrez Jr. headshot Enlarge

Osvaldo Gutierrez Jr.

Service: Lead organizer and panelist for Noche con SHPE

Degree program: Undergraduate
Major: Electrical Engineering
Minor: International Minor for Engineers
Academic specialization: Sustainable power systems and grid integration of alternative energy sources.

Aaditya Hambarde headshot Enlarge

Aaditya Hambarde

Service: Hosted ECE Culture Club – India

Degree program: Doctoral
Advisor: Prof. Mackillo Kira
Research specialization: Theoretical description of excitonic nonlinearities in atomically thin monolayers using semiconductor quantum optics formalism, as well as description of new matter correlations which arise within these monolayers at nonlinear intensities using quantum-optical spectroscopy.

Demba Komma headshot Enlarge

Demba Komma

Service: Hosted ECE Culture Club – The Gambia; Participated in DEI strategic meetings with ECE staff; Helped shape DEI messaging for the department

Degree program: Doctoral
Advisors: Prof. Mingyan Liu and Prof. Hun-Seok Kim
Research specialization: Wireless systems – current research is focused on developing robust low powered localization technology for Artificial Intelligence enabled Internet of Things in locations where GPS is limited or blocked.

Nathan Louis headshot Enlarge

Nathan Louis

Service: Co-organized 2020 EECS Juneteenth celebration; Participated in DEI strategic meetings with ECE staff; Helped shape DEI messaging for the department

Degree program: Doctoral
Advisor: Prof. Jason Corso
Research specialization: Computer Vision, with a  focus on video and visual object tracking in videos. Currently, he is working on tracking hand poses for potential applications in medical training.

Christopher Okumura headshot Enlarge

Christopher Okumura

Service: Hosted ECE Culture Club – Hawaii

Degree program: Undergraduate
Major: Electrical Engineering
Academic specialization: Entrepreneurship and renewable energy.

Nicholas Peabody headshot Enlarge

Nicholas Peabody

Service: Speaker for ECE Campus Visit Days

Degree program: Undergraduate
Major: Electrical Engineering
Academic specialization: Renewable energy.

Fanny Pinto Delgado headshot Enlarge

Fanny Pinto Delgado

Service: Hosted ECE Culture Club – Venezuela

Degree program: Doctoral
Advisors: Prof. Heath Hofmann and Prof. Jing Sun
Research specialization: Current research focuses on modeling and parameter identification strategies for condition monitoring of permanent magnet synchronous machine drive systems.

Kwesi Rutledge headshot Enlarge

Kwesi Rutledge

Service: Co-organized 2020 EECS Juneteenth celebration; Participated in DEI strategic meetings with ECE staff; Helped shape DEI messaging for the department

Degree program: Doctoral
Advisor: Prof. Necmiye Ozay
Research specialization: Control Systems – current research is focused on formal guarantees of safety, including tools for testing the safety of self-driving vehicle software systems that use cameras to make decisions, and methods for automating how computers can test and evaluate their hypothesis for how the world works.

Chenlan Wang headshot Enlarge

Chenlan Wang

Service: Hosted ECE Culture Club – China & Lunar New Year

Degree program: Doctoral
Advisor: Prof. Mingyan Liu
Research specialization: Game Theory – current research is focused on the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Project about Multi-scale Network Games of Collusion and Competition.

Graduate students; Honors and Awards; Student News; Undergraduate Students