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Roya Ensafi

Roya Ensafi delivers keynote at PETS 2024

She spoke on the importance of internet freedom at one of the top international conferences on privacy-enhancing technologies.

These CSE PhD alums have accepted faculty positions

Congrats to these new faculty!

Censored Planet researcher joins FTC

Hieu Le aims to leverage his experience in developing security and privacy technologies to help protect US consumers.

CSE authors receive Distinguished Paper Award at USENIX Security for research on geoblocking

The award recognizes the excellence of their work examining geoblocking in the context of the Cuba embargo.

Ten papers by CSE researchers at USENIX Security 2024

New research out of CSE spans the field of computer security, from protecting autonomous vehicles from data attacks to detecting and combating online censorship.

Roya Ensafi honored with U-M Henry Russel Award

U-M’s highest honor for early- to mid-career faculty, the award recognizes Ensafi’s outstanding research and teaching contributions.

Roya Ensafi receives Willie Hobbs Moore Achievement Award

The award recognizes Ensafi’s outstanding achievements and contributions to promoting equity in STEM.

Five papers by CSE researchers presented at USENIX Security 2023

Papers authored by CSE researchers at the conference cover a variety of topics related to computer security and privacy.

CSE announces 2023 faculty promotions

The Division commends these individuals for their contributions to research, education, and the CSE community.

Roya Ensafi joins World Economic Forum Global Future Council focused on complex risks

The Council brings together international thought leaders across government, industry, and academia to study complex, interconnected risk clusters.

Eight CSE faculty earn NSF CAREER Awards

The NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is the most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education.

Reethika Ramesh awarded Rackham Barbour Scholarship

The scholarship will support her work on studying the security and privacy of networks.

Ram Sundara Raman earns Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship

The fellowship will help support his work to study global Internet censorship.

Reethika Ramesh awarded Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement

The award recognizes active participation in research, leadership, and academic performance.

Roya Ensafi selected for Sloan Research Fellowship

Sloan Research Fellowships recognize distinguished performance and unique potential to make substantial research contributions.

Roya Ensafi receives NSF CAREER Award for efforts to combat censorship worldwide

Her goal is to advance the scientific understanding of contemporary online censorship and develop principled and effective countermeasures.

Are VPNs really the answer?

New research shows that a VPN can be one tool in an internet user’s toolbox but often is not sufficient as the only solution for all privacy needs.

U-M researchers win Applied Networking Research Prize in partnership with Citizen Lab and Princeton CITP

The ANRP recognizes the most groundbreaking results in applied networking, research in Internet standards, and upcoming figures in the field.

Roya Ensafi named Morris Wellman Professor

Ensafi’s research focuses on Internet security and privacy, with the goal of creating techniques and systems to better protect users online.

Tool to analyze the security, privacy of VPNs wins first place for applied security research in 2022

VPNalyzer has revealed a number of shortcomings in the design and implementation of popular virtual private networks. The paper earned first prize at New York University's CSAW '22 Applied Research Competition.

The same app can pose a bigger security and privacy threat depending on the country where you download it, study finds

Same app, same app store, different risks if you download it in, say, Tunisia rather than in Germany.

Research on key VPN vulnerabilities recognized with USENIX Internet Defense Prize, Best Paper Award

The study authored by Prof. Roya Ensafi's lab found that network administrators, like ISPs and governments, could easily detect and block the use of VPNs on a large scale.

Roya Ensafi selected as finalist for ACUM Outstanding Advisor Award

Ensafi received a number of student nominations for the award.

Roya Ensafi speaks at Summit for Democracy

Ensafi joined other experts to discuss how tech built with democratic values at its core can strengthen rules-based governance worldwide.

Tool to analyze VPN security, privacy aids in Consumer Reports review

VPNalyzer was used by Consumer Reports to measure the effectiveness of popular consumer VPN providers.

Her fight for your rights

Could censorship end the internet as we know it? Not if Roya Ensafi can help it.

Censored Planet: Tracking internet censorship without on-the-ground participation

Censored Planet is releasing technical details for other researchers and for activists.

CSE researchers report over $11M in research grants last quarter

The awards were distributed to 18 different primary investigators.

Roya Ensafi named inaugural Consumer Reports Digital Lab Fellow

The new fellowship program was designed to study the effects of connected products and services.

CSE researchers help organize 10th anniversary workshop on internet freedom

Prof. Roya Ensafi and PhD candidate Reethika Ramesh led organizing efforts for USENIX’s Tenth Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet.

Real-time monitor tracks the growing use of network filters for censorship

The team says their framework can scalably and semi-automatically monitor the use of filtering technologies for censorship at global scale.

How Russia’s online censorship could jeopardize internet freedom worldwide

The nation is using inexpensive commodity equipment to block 170K domains on more than 1K privately-owned ISPs.

Best paper award for analysis of a decade of malware reports

The research suggests that common blacklist-based prevention systems are ineffective.

Online censorship detector aims to make the internet a freer place

Censored Planet could provide new insight into the flow of online information

Study reveals new data on region-specific website blocking practices

A team of researchers unearthed new data on geographic denial of access to web content in a new paper.

Three CSE faculty selected for Google Faculty Research Awards

Profs. Jia Deng, Roya Ensafi, and Manos Kapritsos have been selected to receive Google Faculty Research Awards.

Four New Faculty Join CSE

Meet the new arrivals.