Student Research: Amit Patel earns prize in IEEE AP-S Student Paper Competition for antenna research
The method can be useful in the design of low-profile antennas integrated into body panels of vehicles.

Amit Patel, graduate student in electrical engineering, was awarded 2nd prize in the student paper competition at the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation for his paper entitled “Dispersion Analysis of Printed-Circuit Tensor Impedance Surfaces.”
According to Mr. Patel, “The desire to integrate antennas and other electromagnetic devices onto the surfaces of vehicles and existing platforms has driven interest in tensor impedance surfaces. Tensor impedance surfaces are textured metallic surfaces that can radiate or guide radio waves in arbitrary ways. This research provides a new method for theoretically modeling and designing such surfaces. The method can be useful in the design of low-profile antennas integrated into body panels of vehicles.”
Patel is currently working with Professor Anthony Grbic on the theory and the development of low-cost antennas based on tensor impedance surfaces. The impedance of these surfaces is manipulated in order to achieve desired radiation patterns.