Jamie Phillips receives University Undergraduate Teaching Award
This award recognizes faculty in the early stages of their career for their outstanding ability in teaching undergraduate students.

Prof. Jamie Phillips, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, has been honored to receive a University of Michigan Undergraduate Teaching Award. These awards recognize faculty in the early stages of their career for their outstanding ability in teaching undergraduate students.
According to Prof. Phillips, “The future success of technology fields depends on the availability of creative, talented, and highly trained scientists and engineers.”
To this end, Prof. Phillips incorporates teaching methods to facilitate active and inductive learning in his courses. In his career at Michigan, he has focused on teaching undergraduate students, from a freshman level course that includes a team project on solar energy (ENGIN 100), to courses in circuits (EECS 215), semiconductor devices (EECS 320), transistors (EECS 421), and optoelectronics (EECS 429), as well as graduate level courses in lasers and light-emitting diodes (EECS 529) and solar cells (EECS 598).
Prof. Phillips conducts research on new electronic and optoelectronic materials and device structures, which will provide new levels of performance or new device functionalities in areas of information processing, sensing, and energy conversion.
He often includes undergraduate students in his research, and several have been co-authors on published journal articles. Students who work with him have gone on to prestigious graduate programs as well as industry.
Prof. Phillips has received a Young Faculty Award from DARPA and an NSF CAREER Award.
The award will be publicly announced at a later date by the university, and the actual award will be conferred at a ceremony on October 6, 2011.