HKN earns Outstanding Chapter Award

The University of Michigan Beta Epsilon Chapter of IEEE-HKN was recognized once again with an Outstanding Chapter Award for the 2020-21 academic year.
This award is presented to IEEE-HKN Chapters nationwide in recognition of Chapter excellence, with special attention paid to activities that advance professional development, raise instructional and institutional standards, encourage scholarship and creativity, and provide a public service. The Beta Epsilon Chapter is a regular recipient of the award.

Membership in HKN is not purely honorary. While it takes outstanding scholarship to be invited to join HKN, members are expected to contribute their time to a wide variety of causes. During 2020-21, they contributed about 900 hours of service, in addition to planning and attending meetings and social events.
These service activities included tutoring other students, volunteering at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum and Sequoia Place (a retirement center), or restoration activities at Nichols Arboretum and the Matthaei Botanical Gardens. They also sponsor Scouts Day, the EECS Professor of the Year contest, produce a monthly newsletter, and host a Women’s-Faculty Mixer, among other things.
HKN leadership organize tech presentations throughout the year where companies give students an idea of what it’s like to work at their business, as well as more technical topics about a specific product or application. These talks are frequently given by HKN alumni. Some of these events are for HKN members only, while their Tech Talks series is open to the entire College of Engineering student community.
They also like to have fun! HKN hosted game nights, bowling outings, as well as laser tag and Whirlyball – in addition to a variety of virtual social events. They also participated in nine different intramural leagues, and in the annual Engineering Games.
“I first joined the Beta Epsilon chapter of HKN in the Fall of 2018,” said James Worthington, HKN President during the Winter 2021 term, “and it was doubtlessly the best decision I made during my time at the University of Michigan. Since then, HKN has provided me with opportunities to connect with the students who share the struggles of my major, and has introduced me to some of my closest friends.”