2022 EECS Undergraduate Student Awards
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science congratulates the recipients of the 2022 EECS Undergraduate Student Awards. These awards recognize students who excel in scholarship, research, service, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
Commercialization/Entrepreneurship Award
Presented to a student who exemplifies a partnership between engineering and business.

Christopher Okumura
Christopher is majoring in Electrical Engineering, and he specializes in embedded systems and power engineering. He is working to develop valuable tech in the energy sector. He co-founded Bluebird Studios LLC with his sister, which is a startup focused on creating video games that help people be more productive in their career and life endeavors.
“I’m really looking forward to utilizing the skills I’ve accumulated in college to learn even more and to just build really cool technologies.”

Alexander Thayer
Alexander is majoring in Computer Engineering and minoring in Entrepreneurship. He is interested in battery technology, and he has been a team member for both the Michigan Solar Car Team and the Michigan Mars Rover Team. He hopes to apply his knowledge of software development to improve the integration with hardware, as well as advance the understanding, availability, and prevalence of technology in Michigan, especially in rural areas similar to his hometown.
“I’m very honored to have been recognized among the many impressive entrepreneurial ventures occurring on U-M’s campus. During my time in the entrepreneurship minor I really enjoyed being surrounded and pushed by so many fellow student entrepreneurs in a somewhat competitive culture, so to me this is a rewarding conclusion to that chapter.”

Maxwell Weng
Maxwell is majoring in Computer Science. He co-founded Vitam, an accessible web-based personalized communication template that aims to help patients with communication disorders communicate and recover. The company’s app was used by the University of Michigan Aphasia Program, and has secured a partnership with Shanghai University for Finance and Economics to conduct market research and testing for Vitam in Shanghai, China.
“I am most proud of building Vitam, an accessible communication template that I co-founded, to actually help patients with communication disorders like my dearly departed grandmother who had initially inspired Vitam.”
Outstanding Achievement Award
Given to a senior student in each program (CE, CS/DS, and EE) on the basis of outstanding overall academic and personal excellence.

Kevin Buca
Kevin is majoring in Electrical Engineering and minoring in Computer Science. He is a midfielder on the U-M Men’s Soccer team, and he ended this season as the team’s leading goal scorer and points-getter (5 goals, 2 assists). He serves on the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee where he leads volunteering initiatives, such as canned food drives and holiday toy drives, to give back to the Ann Arbor community. He will begin his MS program in Electrical Engineering with a focus on Embedded Systems at U-M next year.
“I am pleased with my legacy at the University of Michigan, and I am beyond grateful for the lessons I have been taught and the connections I made. I am extremely excited for what the rest of my journey at the University of Michigan has in store for me!”
Beiming Li
Beiming is majoring in Computer Engineering, and he is enrolled in the dual-degree program with Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has worked with IoE Prof. Mariel Lavieri in the Organ Transplantation Operational Research Group where he helped assess potential factors with ineligible donor usage rate. He plans to pursue a master’s degree in ECE with a focus on autonomous driving.
“Thanks to the distinguished academic resources brought to me by the University of Michigan, I have the opportunity to gain more in-depth knowledge about autonomous driving.”

Aditya Ravi
Aditya is double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences, with a focus on discrete and algorithmic methods. He’s worked on two research projects, a deep learning model for simulation and prediction of internet traffic data and an improved algorithm for coprime integer factorization, and presented the latter in an invited conference talk. He is the cofounder and lead backend developer at Pursu, which created a free tool for CS students to keep track of career recruitment. He’s also worked or held internships at DoorDash, ICM Trading, Harman International, and the Nexecon Consulting Group, and was an instructional aide for EECS 491, 482, and 281. He plans to work on C++ development at Hudson River Trading after graduating.
“My proudest accomplishment was working on research with Professor Ilya Volkovich and presenting our joint work at the Purdue-UM Midwest Theory Day Conference.”
Outstanding Research Award
Given to students who have gone above the requirements for a course or an independent research project.

Thomas Cohn
Thomas does research in Prof. Chad Jenkins’ Laboratory for Progress, studying how to improve techniques for the representation of high-dimensional data in robotics. This is his second project with Prof. Jenkins, and his first (“TSBP: Tangent Space Belief Propagation for Manifold Learning”) was published in Robotics and Automation: Letters in 2020. He presented at three U-M Engineering Undergraduate Research Symposia, winning first place in fall of 2021. Outside of coursework and research, Thomas is also the cymbal section leader in the Michigan Marching Band
“My proudest accomplishment as a U-M student has been completing my most recent research project, ‘Topologically- Informed Atlas Learning.’ I’ll be presenting it at the 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022).”

Saaketh Medepalli
Saaketh is majoring in Electrical Engineering. He’s collaborated with Prof. Becky Peterson on semiconductor research and with Prof. Wei Lu on memristor research, focusing on how to emulate the architecture of the neocortex of the mammalian brain using “artificial synapses.” He also served on both the Michigan Electric Racing and Hyperloop teams. He is a tutor at the Math Lab and has served as an IA for EECS 200 and EECS 351.
“I have had so much fun discussing ideas with Wesley, my teammate in my current research project, Prof. Lu, and all the other graduate students in the group. Outside of research, it has been such a great opportunity to work as an IA in EECS 351, allowing me to interact with so many of my peers that inspire me through their own passions.”

William Wang
Willian is majoring in Computer Engineering. He’s most interested in the area of embedded systems with HCI applications. He conducted research at the Interactive Sensing and Computing Lab where he worked on building an embedded device that captured image frames while removing Personal Identifying Information (PII) prior to storage. He’s also served as a research technician at UMTRI.
“My favorite U-M experience so far has been building PCBs – I thought I would never learn how to build one but here I am.”
Outstanding Service Award
Given to students who have shown exceptional leadership in their student organizations, service to the university, college or department, or service to the community.

Kathryn Beeman
Kathryn is majoring in Electrical Engineering. She is an active member of the Society for Women Engineers (SWE), where she has served as a professional excellence chair and the Director of Strategic Planning, and where she is currently serving as their External Vice President. She organized the Women in Leadership Conference and has lobbied congress to support bills that encourage women to re-enter the workforce and benefit STEM education.
“I believe that I have found one of my true passions in life: advocating for women in engineering. At the University of Michigan, I have found my avenue in doing this through the Society of Women Engineers. This organization has given me so much, and it is meaningful to be able to give back to the organization.”

Vanita Sharma
Vanita is majoring in Computer Science. has been highly involved in efforts to make computer science a more inclusive and supportive environment for women and underrepresented groups. She is the president of Girls in EECS (GEECS), the largest undergraduate organization for women in the department, and works as a teaching assistant for Computing CARES. With Computing CARES, she organized 10 panels for students to promote inclusivity and work toward eliminating the gender gap in the field.
“The gift of being at a huge university is all of the incredible people I have been able to meet! Through involvements in GEECS and the EECS 183 staff, I have made lifelong friendships and have learned so much from interacting with people from such different backgrounds.”

Emily Zamora
Emily is majoring in Computer Engineering. She is an active member of the Society for Women Engineers (SWE), and has served as their Outreach Officer. She is a member of the Women in Science and Engineering Residential Program and the Michigan Marching Band, for which she plays the trumpet. She is an IA for EECS 280.
“My proudest accomplishment is all of the progress I’ve made on exploring who I am and my resilience in tough times. My challenges have been a way that I have been able to grow and apply to future experiences where I can be more successful!”
William L. Everett Student Award of Excellence
Given to senior students ranking in the top 10% of their class with an interest in communications or computers.

Yatharth Chhabra
Yatharth is majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Mathematics. He’s worked on a number of projects and applications to improve accessibility in computing devices. He designed an app to assist blind users in navigating interfaces with increased accessibility, as well as an app that recognizes text and displays augmented reality models for dyslexic users that was awarded Best AR Hack by Oculus. Working with Michigan Medicine, he also developed an app to track real-time patient electrocardiograph (ECG) readings to predict heart disease. Yatharth also serves as vice president of Michigan Hackers.
“Every Thursday at 7:00pm, I get to see a few hundred enthusiastic members at Michigan Hackers. No matter how many extra hours of work I put in as a Vice President for Michigan Hackers, seeing the vast number of students I’m able to impact makes every minute worth it.”

Naomi Kantor
Naomi is majoring in Computer Engineering. She is most interested in the area of Embedded Systems with a focus on medical devices. She serves as Internal Vice President for Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WECE), Recruitment Chair for Flywheel Women’s Club Ultimate Frisbee Team, and Peer Mentor for Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars Learning Community. She’s also served as IA for ENGR 100 for three semesters. She plans to pursue a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering through the SUGS program.
“My favorite memories include driving ten plus hours with Flywheel, the women’s club ultimate frisbee team, to play against other colleges in weekend-long tournaments.“

Jeremy Latham
Jeremy is majoring in Electrical Engineering. He is a member of the varsity Michigan Men’s Rowing team, where he is one of the top rowers. He is also a dorm bible study leader and a worship band vocalist for interdenominational campus ministry. He plans to begin working at Phase 1 Engineering this summer, where he will focus on electronics, embedded systems, and antennas.
“My proudest accomplishment has been being able to impact my peers in a positive way. Through the friendships I have made, I have been able to encourage other students on campus, inspiring them to achieve, to enjoy life while they’re here on this earth, and to pursue faith as an important part of college.”
William Harvey Seeley Prize
Presented to electrical engineering students who stand first in their class at the completion of the first year.

Kohei Nishiyama
Kohei is majoring in Electrical Engineering. He has served as Platform Lead for the Autonomous Robotic Vehicle Team, and he was a brakes division member for the Solar Car Team.
“My favorite U-M experience is the time spent in project teams. I liked how I could see how the knowledge and skills learned in classes are applied to real world projects or problems.”

Samuel Nolan
Samuel is majoring in Electrical Engineering. He served as team lead for the Wayfinding Autonomous Drone project, where he used IMU and LiDAR sensors to code an autonomous drone through a maze. He also served on the Electrical/Microsystem Division for the Solar Car Team.
“Joining a project team has been one of my favorite experiences so far. I’ve been able to get hands-on experience in electrical engineering all while building a community environment.”
EECS Scholars
Samir Agarwala (CS) |
Ashwani Aggarwal (CS) |
Mitchell Allen (EE) |
Ibrahim Alnassar (CS) |
Maor Amar (CS) |
Nicholas Anason (CS) |
Nicholas Anason (DS) |
Alyssa Anderson (EE) |
Sean Anderson (CS) |
Maxwell Andrews (CS) |
Arun Annamalai (CS) |
Albert Anwar (CS) |
Albert Anwar (EE) |
Ramchandra Apte (CS) |
Aiden Ascioti (EE) |
Jonah Azoulay (CS) |
Mohammed Azzouz (EE) |
Sara Azzouz (EE) |
Yumeng Bai (CS) |
Mohamad Bairakdar (CS) |
Mohamad Bairakdar (DS) |
Sarabeswaran Balamurugan (CS) |
Miranda Baltaxe (CE) |
Zerui Bao (CS) |
Lance Bassett (CS) |
Joseph Berns (CE) |
Aakash Bharat (CE) |
Max Bickers (CS) |
Jacob Block (EE) |
Isaac Bromley-Dulfano (EE) |
Charlotte Brown (DS) |
Kevin Buca (EE) |
Robert Buckley (CS) |
Robert Burke (CS) |
Ethan Burt (CS) |
Nicholas Cahill (EE) |
Christina Cai (CS) |
Madison Caldwell (CS) |
Hangrui Cao (CS) |
Harrison Centner (CS) |
Zeyu Chang (CS) |
Andrew Chen (CS) |
Andrew Chen (CS) |
Houming Chen (CS) |
James Chen (CS) |
Jerry Chen (CS) |
Jiafeng Chen (CS) |
Kehan Chen (DS) |
Siyi Chen (CS) |
Yanjun Chen (CS) |
Zhixuan Chen (CS) |
Zongyu Chen (CS) |
Venkata Chengalvala (CS) |
Zacharie Chentouf (CS) |
Zacharie Chentouf (DS) |
Diane Chiang (CS) |
Joey Chinoski (CS) |
Edison Chiu (CS) |
Gene Chu (CS) |
Jonathan Chuang (CS) |
Liam Clancy (DS) |
Megan Coden (CS) |
Tobias Cormack (CS) |
Braden Crimmins (CS) |
Yubing Cui (CS) |
Ethan D’Alessandro (CS) |
Trisha Dani (CS) |
Ethan Davis (CS) |
Angela Deng (EE) |
Abhimanyu Deshpande (CS) |
Abhimanyu Deshpande (DS) |
Shuda Di (CS) |
Allen Diao (CS) |
Allen Diao (DS) |
Mike Dillender (EE) |
Juechu Dong (CE) |
Yifan Dong (CE) |
Nathan Drasovean (DS) |
William Du (CS) |
Yuexi Du (CS) |
Zhongqian Duan (CS) |
Aveek Duttagupta (CS) |
Adam Elias (DS) |
Samuel Ephraim (CS) |
Eric Fan (CS) |
Yiran Fan (DS) |
Weijia Fang (CS) |
Yigao Fang (CS) |
Matthew Ferrari (CS) |
Daniel Fidler (EE) |
William Fielding (CS) |
Henry Fleischmann (CS) |
Junhan Fu (DS) |
Yiwei Fu (CS) |
Ziming Gao (CS) |
Carl Gerisch (EE) |
Caleb Gifford (CS) |
Andrew Gillespie (EE) |
Benjamin Givner (CS) |
Owen Goebel (CS) |
Chase Goldman (CS) |
Zizan Gong (CS) |
Zizan Gong (DS) |
Daniel Gorelik (CS) |
Jacob Gozon (CS) |
Andy Gu (CS) |
Andy Gu (DS) |
Tianyao Gu (CS) |
Xihe Gu (DS) |
Lingxiao Guan (CS) |
Richard Guan (CS) |
Ryan Gudal (CS) |
Scott Guest (CS) |
Xiaofan Guo (CS) |
Yuanqi Guo (EE) |
Ashwin Gupta (CS) |
Rahul Gupta (CS) |
Rahul Gupta (DS) |
Suchir Gupta (CS) |
Ryan Halpin (DS) |
Luke Harder (CS) |
Musa Haydar (CS) |
Chenxi He (CS) |
Jacky He (CS) |
Yi He (CS) |
Zhen Hang He (CS) |
Pratheek Hegde (CS) |
Stefan Heng (CS) |
Megan Heydrick (CE) |
Rachel Himmel (DS) |
Nameer Hirschkind (CS) |
Allen Ho (CS) |
Jason Hu (EE) |
Luyang Hu (CS) |
Luyang Hu (DS) |
Yonghuan Hu (CS) |
Boyang Huang (CS) |
Catherine Huang (CS) |
Chen Huang (CE) |
Eric Huang (DS) |
Junliang Huang (CS) |
Yangdong Huang (CS) |
Thomas Huber (CS) |
Isaac Huffman (CS) |
Nicholas Hughes (CS) |
Andrew Huston (CS) |
Jensen Hwa (CS) |
Michael Hymowitz (DS) |
Zachary Ingram (CE) |
Kaushik Isukapalli (CS) |
Anzhelika Iugai (CS) |
Anzhelika Iugai (DS) |
George Janke (DS) |
Michael Jecmen (CS) |
Michelle Jecmen (CS) |
Churong Ji (CS) |
Yuyuan Ji (DS) |
Christina Jiang (CS) |
Christopher Jiang (CS) |
Benjamin Jin (CS) |
Rui Jin (CS) |
Tong Jin (CE) |
Nihar Joshi (CS) |
Ahmad Kady (CS) |
Alexander Kaipainen (CS) |
Alexander Kalams (CS) |
Robert Kang (CS) |
Naomi Kantor (CE) |
Isaac Katongole (CE) |
James Kennedy (CE) |
Reese Ketsdever (CS) |
Esther Kim (CS) |
Esther Kim (DS) |
Ha Young Kim (CS) |
Jaewoo Kim (CS) |
Elliot Klein (CS) |
Rohan Kodati (CS) |
Gordon Kolb (CS) |
Samuel Korman (CS) |
Jennifer Kosek (CS) |
Saumit Kukkadapu (CS) |
Reva Kulkarni (EE) |
Arya Kumar (CS) |
Noah Kuperberg (CS) |
Joseph Kurkjian (CS) |
Oh Jun Kweon (CS) |
Oh Jun Kweon (DS) |
Lucas Lahann (EE) |
Ian Iong Lam (CS) |
Owen Langejans (DS) |
Jeremy Latham (EE) |
Shannon Lau (CS) |
Wei Jie Lee (CS) |
Luke Lesh (CS) |
Allen Li (CS) |
Annie Li (CS) |
Beiming Li (CE) |
Daniel Li (EE) |
David Li (EE) |
Justin Li (CS) |
Kevin Li (CS) |
Leo Li (DS) |
Max Li (CE) |
Minhao Li (CS) |
Peijing Li (CS) |
Ruiyu Li (CS) |
Tianjun Li (CS) |
Tianyi Li (CS) |
Victor Li (CS) |
Victor Li (DS) |
Xianglong Li (CS) |
Xianglong Li (DS) |
Yuqi Li (CS) |
Xiang Lian (CS) |
Yiliang Liang (CS) |
Yiliang Liang (DS) |
Elma Liao (DS) |
Lingzi Liao (DS) |
Wenxiu Liao (CS) |
Wenxiu Liao (DS) |
Jonathan Lin (CS) |
Qinghao Lin (DS) |
Zixuan Lin (CS) |
Noah Lincke (CS) |
Peter Linder (CE) |
Xin Hao Ling (DS) |
Beverly Liu (CS) |
Han Liu (CS) |
Justin Liu (CS) |
Mingzhu Liu (CS) |
Qingyang Liu (DS) |
Ruixuan Liu (CS) |
Tianwei Liu (CE) |
Xueshen Liu (CS) |
Yi Liu (CS) |
Yukun Lou (CE) |
Brandon Low (CS) |
Elizabeth Lu (CS) |
Kaiwen Lu (CS) |
Taoan Lu (DS) |
Xinyu Lu (CS) |
Yuxin Lu (CS) |
Viraj Lunani (CS) |
Zixiong Luo (CS) |
Weikun Lyu (CS) |
Chenyang Ma (CE) |
Zhongqi Ma (CS) |
Joseph Macek (CS) |
Anish Mahendran (CS) |
Bhargav Malladi (CS) |
Danielle Maraffino (CS) |
John Marinan (CE) |
Raef Maroof (CS) |
Hogan Mastanduno (CS) |
Zachary Mathews (CS) |
William Mathias (CS) |
Riley McCullough (EE) |
Claire McDermott (CS) |
Patrick McElroy (CS) |
Saaketh Medepalli (EE) |
Isis Meng (CS) |
Teo Miklethun (CS) |
Robert Miner (CS) |
Daniel Mishins (CS) |
Matthew Moliassa (CE) |
Isaac Moothart (CS) |
Cesar Mu (CS) |
Advay Muchoor (CS) |
Maura Mulligan (CE) |
Harvin Mumick (CS) |
Salil Nadkarni (CS) |
Nitya Nakirekanti (CS) |
Jonah Nan (CS) |
Antonio Narra (CS) |
Sunny Nayak (CS) |
Vishal Nayak (CS) |
Abigail Ng (CS) |
Jin Xin Ng (CS) |
Vincent Nguyen (CE) |
Bryan Nie (CS) |
Ramsey Nofal (CE) |
Matthew Nomura (CS) |
Emily Olson (CE) |
Wenbin Ouyang (CS) |
Joyce Pan (DS) |
Tiffany Parise (CS) |
Christian Pasca (EE) |
Arjav Patel (CS) |
Dhruv Patel (CS) |
Neel Patel (CS) |
Nish Patel (CS) |
Shivam Patel (EE) |
Shweta Pati (EE) |
Angela Peng (CS) |
Chengjun Peng (CS) |
Yu Peng (CS) |
Avaneesh Reddy Pentaparthy (DS) |
Jedidiah Pienkny (EE) |
Prateeksunder Pinchi (DS) |
Andrew Plotner (CE) |
Nisarg Polra (CS) |
Sisir Potluri (CS) |
Narayan Prabhakar (CS) |
Hongxi Pu (CS) |
John Pye (CE) |
Mahdi Qazwini (CS) |
Xinyi Qiao (CS) |
Xiangyu Qin (CS) |
Changyuan Qiu (CS) |
Haoyi Qiu (CS) |
Jiahao Qiu (CS) |
Tianjie Qiu (CS) |
Yiyang Qiu (CS) |
Yuqing Qiu (CS) |
Joanna Qu (CS) |
Colin Quinn (EE) |
Sanjeev Raja (DS) |
Jessica Rao (CS) |
Parth Raut (CS) |
Aditya Ravi (CS) |
Chetan Reddy (CS) |
Chetan Reddy (EE) |
Peter Redman (EE) |
Qihan Ren (CS) |
Daniel Richardson (CE) |
Martin Rosen (CS) |
Amy Ruan (CS) |
Xiuru Ruan (CS) |
Aneesh Sabnis (CS) |
Filip Saulean (CS) |
Ashwin Saxena (CS) |
Yusuf Sbeih (CS) |
Andrew Schallwig (CE) |
Andrew Scheffer (CS) |
Johnathan Schwartz (CS) |
Hrudit Shah (CS) |
Jenil Shah (CS) |
Jenil Shah (DS) |
Neel Shah (CS) |
Neel Shah (DS) |
Haoxuan Shan (CS) |
Prashant Shankar (CS) |
Jay Shaver (DS) |
Emma Shedden (CS) |
Xiang Shen (CS) |
Xiang Shen (DS) |
Shiqi Sheng (CS) |
Tejas Shete (CS) |
Eileen Shiau (CS) |
Brian Shields (CS) |
Daniel Shim (CS) |
Oskar Shiomi Jensen (CS) |
Yi Lin Sim (CS) |
Ari Singer (CS) |
Aayush Singh (CS) |
Keshav Singh (CS) |
Edison Situ (CS) |
Eli Smith (EE) |
Jack Smith (EE) |
Shixin Song (CS) |
Xiaoyang Song (CS) |
Xiaoyang Song (DS) |
Nicholas Spihlman (CS) |
Vidya Srinivas (CE) |
Srihari Srinivasan (CS) |
Cooper Stevens (CS) |
Huanchen Sun (CS) |
Michael Sun (EE) |
Zhiyuan Sun (CS) |
Zhiyuan Sun (DS) |
Nicole Surgent (CS) |
Joshua Symonds (CS) |
Daniel Tafoya (CS) |
Hann Hsen Tan (DS) |
Jun Cheng Tan (CS) |
Elanor Tang (CS) |
Mingyi Tang (DS) |
Yizhi Tang (CS) |
Lisa Tauro (CS) |
Zhixiang Teoh (CS) |
Drake Thomas (CS) |
Emma Thronson (DS) |
Ronit Tiwary (CS) |
Justin Tocco (CS) |
Edward Tong (CE) |
Anh Tuan Tran (CS) |
Anh Tuan Tran (DS) |
Cameron Tressler (CS) |
Ryan Tsau (CS) |
Liam Tsimhoni (CS) |
Drew Vanderspool (CS) |
Jose Luiz Vargas De Mendonca (CE) |
David Vella Jr (CE) |
Boyang Wang (CS) |
Dawei Wang (CS) |
Frank Wang (CS) |
Pengxiang Wang (CS) |
Qichao Wang (DS) |
Richard Wang (CS) |
Ruiyi Wang (CS) |
Ruoyu Wang (CS) |
Ruoyu Wang (DS) |
William Wang (CS) |
Xingyao Wang (CS) |
Xingyao Wang (DS) |
Zhiyuan Wang (CS) |
Ziang Wang (CS) |
David Wegsman (CS) |
Xiangdong Wei (CE) |
Zach Weiss (CS) |
Evan Weissburg (CS) |
Norman Wen (CS) |
Linda Weng (CS) |
Maxwell Weng (CS) |
Thomas Westrick (EE) |
Tex White (CS) |
Alexander Wildner (EE) |
Alexander Willis (EE) |
James Wishart (CE) |
Bill Wolf (EE) |
Christian Wong (CS) |
Ka Yu Wong (CS) |
Richard Wong (CS) |
Kristen Worden (CS) |
Ralph Worthington (CS) |
Haijian Wu (DS) |
Jiaqi Wu (CS) |
Michael Xi (CS) |
Steven Xia (CS) |
Yinfeng Xiao (CS) |
Yinfeng Xiao (DS) |
Andi Xu (CS) |
Bright Xu (CS) |
Jiaai Xu (CS) |
Michelle Xu (CS) |
Muchen Xu (CS) |
Puchen Xu (CS) |
Weihan Xu (CS) |
Weihan Xu (DS) |
Venkata Yadati (DS) |
Kevin Yan (CS) |
Claire Yang (CS) |
Elizabeth Yang (CS) |
Fengyu Yang (CS) |
Hongyi Yang (DS) |
Jiamin Yang (DS) |
Junhua Yang (CS) |
Samuel Yang (EE) |
Xinrong Yao (DS) |
Xueying Yao (DS) |
Yanlong Yao (CS) |
Helen Ye (CS) |
Joshua Ye (CS) |
Zihong Yi (CS) |
Hongyi Yin (CS) |
Sam You (DS) |
Jack Yu (DS) |
Justin Yu (EE) |
Yingzhuo Yu (CS) |
Zesheng Yu (CS) |
Zhehao Yu (EE) |
Andrew Zaloudek (CE) |
Paz Zcharya (CE) |
Jason Zeng (CS) |
Chenhao Zhang (CS) |
Chenyan Zhang (CS) |
Congkai Zhang (CS) |
Dichang Zhang (CS) |
Dichang Zhang (DS) |
Eric Zhang (CS) |
Forest Zhang (CS) |
Lan Zhang (CS) |
Nuobei Zhang (DS) |
Rongzhi Zhang (CS) |
Rongzhi Zhang (DS) |
Xingjian Zhang (CS) |
Yongtai Zhang (CS) |
Zhe Zhang (CS) |
Anthony Zhao (CS) |
Jiazhen Zhao (CS) |
Manli Zhao (DS) |
Zi Rui Zhao (CS) |
Zitong Zhao (CS) |
Zitong Zhao (DS) |
Angelina Zheng (CS) |
Huixin Zheng (CS) |
Zhong Zheng (CS) |
Hui Zhi (CS) |
Yichen Zhong (CS) |
Yichen Zhong (DS) |
Tianer Zhou (CS) |
Anthony Zhu (CS) |
Chenshu Zhu (CS) |
Andrew Zhuang (CS) |
Samir Agarwala (CS) |
Siyi Chen (CS) |
Simin Fan (CS) |
Johnson He (CS) |
Tong Jin (CE) |
Ruiyu Li (CS) |
Yiliang Liang (CS) |
Noah Lincke (CS) |
Justin Liu (CS) |
Yukun Lou (CE) |
Raef Maroof (CS) |
Sam Mikell (CS) |
Shixin Song (CS) |
Vidya Srinivas (CE) |
David Wegsman (CS) |
Zilin Zhang (CS) |
Mohammed Azzouz (EE) |
Sara Azzouz (EE) |
Tomas Cartaya (EE) |
Matteo Ciabattoni (EE) |
Jason Hu (EE) |
Anita Huang (CE) |
Nicole Meimaris (CS) |
Elton Pashollari (EE) |
Changyuan Qiu (CS) |
Yiyang Qiu (CS) |