Other Event | Student Event
The Bit Player: Claude Shannon
Michigan Theater
Tuesday, January 14, 2020 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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Join us for a fun and informative EECS community-building event! The Department has partnered with the Michigan Theater to offer our undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff a night out at the Michigan Theater at a special low price. The movie, “The Bit Player,” will also be open to the general public.
The film highlights the contributions of U-M alumnus Claude Shannon (BSE EE and Math, 1936), who introduced the notion of a “bit” and laid the foundation for the information age. Shannon’s ideas continue to ripple through nearly every aspect of modern life, influencing such diverse fields as communication, computing, cryptography, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cosmology, linguistics, and genetics.
The film will be introduced by director Mark A. Levinson and will be followed by a Q&A panel with EECS faculty, Professors Alfred Hero, David Neuhoff, and Chris Peikert.
How to get your $3 entry:
1. Pick up a ticket voucher in the department. Each voucher is good for one reduced-price ticket and must be presented at the Michigan Theater ticket office along with $3 for entry. Each voucher may be used once.
Vouchers are available to EECS students, faculty, and staff during normal office hours in the following locations:
- 2808 Beyster Building, EECS undergraduate advising office
- 3909 Beyster Building, CSE graduate programs office
- 3820 Beyster Building, office of Yolonda Coleman/Tyler Richardson
- 3415 EECS Building, EECS undergraduate advising office
- 3403-3404 EECS Building, ECE graduate advising offices
- 3406 EECS Building, office of Amy Wicklund
2. Alternatively, you may purchase your $3 ticket online from the Michigan Theater. To do so, go to michtheater.org/bitplayer and when prompted enter the promo code UMEECS. You will then be able to select the option of purchasing $3 ticket(s).
We hope that we’ll see you at the Michigan Theater!