Control Seminar
CANCELED: Seminar by Emanuele Garone
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Abstract coming soon.
Prof. Emanuele Garone obtained his Laurea degree from The University of Calabria, Italy in 2005 and received his Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Calabria, Italy, in 2009. From November 2008 to October 2010 he was with the DEIS department of the University of Calabria, Italy, as an Assistant Researcher. In 2007 he spent nine months at the LISD laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a visiting student and in 2010 he spent 2 month at the ECE department of Carnegie Mellon University as a visiting researcher. In 2007 he was finalists for the IEEE CSS CDC Best Student-Paper Award. From November 2010 he is an assistant professor at the Faculté des Sciences Appliquées/école Polytechnique of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. His current research interests include: constrained predictive control, Linear Parameter Varying systems, control reconfiguration for fault tolerant systems, networked control systems, path plannig for heterogeneous vehicles, control of switching systems.