Dissertation Defense

Optimal Scheduling and Control of Uncertain Coupled Power-Water Distribution Networks

Anna Stuhlmacher
3316 EECS Building

Drinking water distribution networks can be treated as flexible, controllable assets to power networks by leveraging the power consumption of water pumps and storage capabilities of water tanks. In this dissertation, an integrated power-water optimization problem is developed subject to the water and power network constraints and multiple sources of uncertainty. The operation of water distribution networks is optimized to provide multiple local and system services—such as voltage support and frequency regulation—to power networks. The framework solves for the scheduled water distribution network operation based on forecasted water and power demand. Control policies are used to adjust the water distribution network operation to respond to a system-wide signal or a local constraint violation. Stochastic and robust solution approaches as well as convex reformulations techniques are proposed and evaluated to ensure that the framework is accurate, scalable to large networks and scheduling horizons, and maintains the operational resilience of the water network. The associated benefits and drawbacks of the integrated water-power optimization framework are investigated, with a particular focus on performance, conservativeness, computational tractability, and operational resiliency.  Case studies demonstrate the capability of the water distribution network pumps to provide services to the power grid. By co-optimizing the power grid and the drinking water distribution network, improvement in costs, reliability, and resiliency can be realized across these two critical infrastructure systems.


Chair: Professor Johanna Mathieu