Dissertation Defense
Making Integrated Terahertz Imaging a Reality
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The terahertz frequency band is gaining increasing attention for potential applications in imaging, spectroscopy and communication. Silicon platforms, especially CMOS and SiGe, are quite attractive for fully integration of terahertz system. However, due to the device limitations, signal generation and processing is still very challenging at these frequencies. The aim of my thesis is to tackle these challenges to demonstrate high-performance fully integrated THz imaging systems for hydration sensing applications. In particular, I will describe the design of a 320GHz fully integrated coherent imaging transceiver, an ultra wideband harmonic radiator at 220GHz, the first fully integrated FMCW imaging radar at THz/sub-THz, the first fully integrated ISAR imaging system at THz frequencies and a fully integrated array implementation of FMCW imaging system operating at 170GHz that is capable of ISAR imaging. Finally, I will show practical results on biomedical diagnosis using the implemented systems. All the designs successfully push the state of the art forward and pave the way for implementation of more advanced silicon terahertz devices for future applications.