WIMS Seminar
Low-Power UHF Receiver Implemented in 0.35-µm SOI CMOS
Associate Professor
ECE Department
North Carolina A&T State University
Mars exploration missions require low-power, miniaturized UHF-band receivers for surface-to-surface and surface-to-relay communication. Candidate missions include: Rovers, orbiters, landers, microprobes, gliders, miniature sensors, Scout class missions, and Sensor networks. This talk will highlight some of the ongoing research activities, particularly our low power low-IF UHF receiver and the subsampling receiver. The design challenges associated with each of the receiver architecture and circuit components are presented along with mixed-signal circuit solutions that are used or proposed to overcome them.
Numan S. Dogan received his B.S. from Karadeniz Technical University-Turkey in 1975, his M.S. from Polytechnic University of New York (formerly Polytechnic Institute of New York) in 1979 and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in Electrical Engineering in 1986, all in Electrical Engineering. He held faculty and summer research positions at Washington State University, Tuskegee University, AFRL-Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, and GE Corporate R&D Center, Schenectady, NY. He joined the faculty in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at North Carolina A&T State University where he currently holds the rank of Associate Professor. His past research work includes: Semiconductor Device Fabrication and Modeling (GaAs/AlGaAs MITATT diodes, GaAs/AlGaAs HBTs, LDD-MOSFETs, and Varactors), High-temperature electronics, Biosensors, Ultrasound Transducers, Silicon Micromachining, and Nonreciprocal Microwave Devices. His present research work is in RF IC design for wireless communication. His research is currently funded by NASA. He is a Senior member of the IEEE and currently serves as the IEEE Central North Carolina Section Chair. He is married with five children and three grand children. He plays soccer in the GYSA over 40 league-Greensboro, NC. He enjoys hiking and fishing in Alpine Lakes and Clearwater streams.