Control Seminar
Estimation and Control of Piezoelectric Microactuators with Uncertain, Nonlinear Dynamics
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This seminar discusses recent results from the University of Michigan Microdynamics Laboratory on the application of modeling and control techniques for dynamic systems to the development of advanced microactuation technologies. The talk focuses on development of high-performance thin-film piezoelectric microactuators, and the impact of nonlinear dynamics that arise from large deflections, material nonlinearities, and contact mechanics. Strategies for addressing these nonlinearities during position tracking and control are introduced based on principles from the hybrid system and robust control fields. The development of millimeter-scale walking micro-robots is used as an example of combined actuation, sensing, and control development, focusing on unusual contact dynamics. Additional examples are drawn from work on medical endomicroscopy systems and inertial sensor calibration stages.
Kenn R. Oldham is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. Prof. Oldham received the Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2000. He joined the University of Michigan in 2007 following a post-doctoral fellowship at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. Prof. Oldham and his research group study the intersection of control systems and micro-scale sensing and actuation, with interests in design for controllability, optimal and robust control, and novel sensor and actuator design. Applications for this research include terrestrial micro-robotics, endoscopic microscopy, and inertial and physiological sensing.