WIMS Seminar

Achieving the Optimum Chromatographic Separation Through the Use of Scientifically Designed Capilla

Dr. Frank Dorman

Director of Technical Development, Restek Corporation
For many years gas chromatographic (GC) stationary phases have been synthesized with no specific application in mind, and many analysts struggle to force an analysis to work on general-purpose chromatographic columns. However, the science of separation has been understood for a while, and chromatographic separations can be determined prior to synthesis of a stationary phase and analysis.

This presentation will address the state-of-the-art design of capillary GC stationary phases and describe how it can be used to radically improve the common separations that many chromatographers are faced with on a daily basis. Several techniques for modeling separation will be presented, illustrating how this science has developed. Discussion will be given on how these techniques can be used to develop application-specific columns on an as-needed, custom basis. These techniques are the future of capillary GC; allowing design of optimum capillary columns for any analysis.

Frank received his B.S. in Chemistry from Juniata College, in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, with an emphasis on analytical instrumentation and physical chemistry in1987. He then completed his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at The University of Vermont, in Burlington, Vermont, where he specialized in atomic spectroscopy. Currently Frank is the Director of Technical Development for Restek Corporation, in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Frank is responsible for discovering and managing new technical opportunities for Restek Corporation, and management of external research and development projects with other industries and/or academic institutions. Frank is also a Visiting Research Scientist at Juniata College, in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. As an Adjunct faculty member of the chemistry department, he assists with instruction for analytical courses, and student advising. He also serves as student research advisor for students who are working on undergraduate research projects in conjunction with his research interests.

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