Awards and Slaying of the Dragon at St. George’s Day Feast – 2014

Prof. Jessy Grizzle was awarded "Professor of the Year" by HKN.

Students were hungry for this year’s St. George’s Day Feast. It happens every year the day before the last day of classes – a day when the faculty serve the students, and battle the dragons!

After marching in. . .

Faculty marching into EECS with Chef's hats Enlarge

there’s a fierce contest between the two department chairs, Prof. Marios Papaefthymiou (left) and Prof. Khalil Najafi (right), and the dragons.

Professors use paper maché dragons to battle Enlarge
Observing the dragons battle and one guy playing a trumpet Enlarge

The spectators were breathless – it looked like the dragons might get away!

Spectators observe the carnage Enlarge

But no, not this year…

Prof. Senior speaks and award ceremony Enlarge
L: Prof. Tom Senior. R: Best Chapter Award given to HKN by ECE Chair Khalil Najafi and CSE Chair Marios Papaefthymiou.

Prof. Tom Senior, the original event organizer, gave a history of St. George and the Dragon. The first award goes to HKN! They received a Best Chapter Award from the ECE Department Heads Association. Accepting the award is Kyle Lady, past president of HKN, with Prof. Khalil Najafi (left) and Prof. Marios Papaefthymiou (right).

Then the coveted HKN Professor of the Year awards were presented by this past year’s HKN Presidents, Nick Wrobel (left) and Apoorva Bansal (right). They went to Prof. Peter Chen for CSE and Prof. Jessy Grizzle for ECE.

Image Enlarge
L: Prof. Peter Chen for CSE. R: Prof. Jessy Grizzle for ECE.

Let’s Eat!

Faculty serving students lunch Enlarge
Division News; Events; Honors and Awards; Jessy Grizzle; Khalil Najafi