Dissertation Defense

Towards Faster Data Transfer by Spoof Plasmonics

Soumitra R. Joy


With the emergence of complex architectures in modern electronics such as multi-chip modules, the increasing electromagnetic cross-talk in the circuitry causes a serious issue for high-speed, reliable data transfer among the chips. This thesis aims at developing a cross-talk resilient communication technology by utilizing a special form of electromagnetic mode, called spoof surface plasmon polariton for information transfer. The technique is based on the fact that a metal wire with periodic sub-wavelength patterns can support propagation of confined electromagnetic mode, which can suppress cross-talk noise among the adjacent channels; and thus outperform conventional electrical interconnects in a parallel, high channel density data-bus.

The thesis has demonstrated that spoof plasmonic interconnects, comprised of patterned metallic conductors, can simultaneously accommodate electronic TEM mode, which can suppress cross-talk at low-frequencies; and spoof plasmon mode, which can do the same at high-frequencies. Based on these observations, a novel mechanism of bandwidth augmentation in data-bus is proposed by merging the band of electrical mode propagation with that of spoof plasmon mode propagation and thus the signal integrity is improved by orders of magnitude without compromising the data-speed. Thus spoof plasmonic interconnect can be envisioned to constitute the next generation communication technology that will be transferring data at hundreds of Gigabit per second (Gbps) speed among different chips on a multi-chip module (MCM) carrier or system-on-chip (SoC) packaging.

Chair: Professor Pinaki Mazumder

Remote Access: https://bluejeans.com/1577285750