Control Seminar
Stability Problems for Switched Systems with Positively Constaints
Switched systems with positivity constraints arise in various areas. They have been fruitfully employed to model consensus problems, biological systems dynamics and, recently, viral mutation dynamics under drug treatment. The theory of "positive switched systems" is rather challenging and offers quite a number of interesting open problems. In the talk, we will illustrate the main results available as far as stability and stabilizabilty are concerned. Some applications of this general theory will be illustrated.
Maria Elena Valcher received the Master Degree in Electronic Engineering (1991) and the Ph.D. (1995) from the University of Padova, Italy. Since January 2005, she is Full Professor of Control Theory at the University of Padova. She is author/co-author of more than 50 papers appeared on international journals, 70 conference papers, 2 text-books and 14 book chapters. Her research interests include multidimensional systems theory, polynomial matrix theory, behavior theory, convolutional coding, fault detection, delay-differential systems, positive systems and positive switched systems. She has been involved in the Organizing Committees and in the Program Committees of several conferences. She is the Program Chair of the CDC 2012. She was in the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (1999-2002) and she is currently in the Editorial Boards of Automatica (2006-today), Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (2004-today) and Systems and Control Letters (2004-today). She was and still is a Member of the CSS BoG (Appointed 2003; Elected 2004-2006; Elected 2010-2012). She was the CSS Vice President Member Activities (2006-2007) and she is Vice President Conference Activities of the IEEE Control System Society since January 2008.