AI Seminar

Planning Games: a Study of Planning and Strategic Collaboration

Yagil EngelPostdoctoral FellowTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology

I introduce Planning Games, a novel platform connecting between standard AI planning constructs and the classical
cooperative model of coalition games. As an AI planning scheme, planning games extend traditional multi-agent planning to accommodate self-interested agents. As coalition games, the key representational property of planning games is that coalitions are valued implicitly based on their ability to carry out efficient joint plans. Moreover, existing succinct representations of coalition games can be efficiently reduced to planning games. On the side of computation, our novel exploitation of knowledge representation structures provide some of the strongest to date tractability results for core-existence and core-membership queries in succinct coalition games.

Joint work with Ronen Brafman, Carmel Domshlak, and Moshe Tennenholtz

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