Quantum Science Seminar

Exploring Quantum Contextuality to Generate True Random Numbers

Dong-Ling DengPhysics Department, University of Michigan

An interdisciplinary group of faculty & students studies problems in the theory of quantum information processing. A brief review of the most recent publications will be followed by a presentation on a specific paper or set of papers. All faculty and students are welcome.
Random numbers represent an indispensable resource for many applications. A recent remarkable result is the realization that non-locality in quantum mechanics can be used to certify genuine randomness through Bell's theorem, producing reliable random numbers in a device independent way. Here, we explore the contextuality aspect of quantum mechanics and show that true random numbers can be generated using only single qutrit (three-state systems) without entanglement and non-locality. In particular, we show that any observed violation of the Klyachko-Can-Binicioglu-Shumovsky (KCBS) inequality [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 20403 (2008)] provides a positive lower
bound on genuine randomness. As a proof-of-concept experiment, we demonstrate with photonic qutrits that at least 5246 net true random numbers are generated with a con dence level of 99.9%.

Reference: arXiv:1301.5364.

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