RADLAB Seminar
Electromagnetic Simulation Tools for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
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Automotive OEMs are moving towards the inclusion of several safety systems, which are covered by several sensors. Many new functions are being added to assist the driver to avoid accidents that might be caused by different road scenarios. The new ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) systems are mainly: lane change assistants (LCA), blind spot detection (BSD), pedestrian recognition, collision avoidance and pre-crash functions, cross traffic alerts and parking assistance. Automotive Collision Avoidance Radars are approved to operate in 76-77GHz. Radar design and integration at such high frequencies is very challenging. As a result, electromagnetic (EM) simulation is now more often applied as it helps to avoid time consuming and expensive prototyping cycles for the radar manufacturer and a complex radar integration behind a car"s bumper for automotive OEMs. In this talk, a details design process for automotive radar design and integration will be presented using advanced EM simulation techniques. Also, this talk will present simulations of radar channel and the environment for better understanding of the functioning of the radar in real driving scenarios.
Dr. C.J. Reddy is the Vice President, Business Development-Electromagnetics for Americas at Altair Engineering, Inc.(www.altair.com). At Altair, he is leading the marketing and support of commercial 3D electromagnetic software, FEKO (http://www.altairhyperworks.com/product/FEKO) in Americas. Dr. Reddy is also the President of Applied EM Inc, a small company specializing in innovative antenna design and development. At Applied EM, Dr. Reddy successfully led many Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) projects from the US Department of Defense (DoD). Dr. Reddy is a Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a Senior Member of Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA). He has been elected Fellow of the Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES) in 2012. Dr. Reddy served on ACES Board of Directors from 2006 to 2012 and is currently serving as the Secretary of ACES. He published 37 journal papers, 77 conference papers and 18 NASA Technical Reports to date. Dr. Reddy is a co-author of the book, "Antenna Analysis and Design Using FEKO Electromagnetic Simulation Software," published in June 2014 by SciTech Publishing (now part of IET). Dr. Reddy was the General Chair of ACES 2011 Conference held in Williamsburg, VA during March 27-31, 2011 and ACES 2013 conference, Monterey CA (March 24-28, 2013) as well as the General Chair of ACES 2015 conference held in Williamsburg, Virginia during March 22-26, 2015. He was the Co-General Chair of 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting held during July 6-11, 2014 in Memphis, TN. Dr. Reddy is the General Chair for AMTA 2018 conference to be held in Williamsburg, Virginia during November 3-8, 2018.