Control Seminar
Development challenges for Embedded Controller Applications
The author discusses his experiences and observations about the development of control systems for industrial applications. The main point of the presentation will be to convey the important issues that engineers face when creating today's embedded systems. Challenges range from practical issues to theoretical ones, but in either case, they have profound impact on the types of systems that are being developed and will finally be brought to production. Many of these challenges are
related to the scale of the problems that engineers are working In fact, the scale of the systems requires entirely new principles of engineering to address scale and complexity. These challenges can be as mundane as the tools needed for information and resource management to questions about the theoretical limits of design validation.
Dr. Michael Baloh is a Senior Project Engineer at Emmeskay, Inc.
He provides consulting and development support to industrial clients in the automotive industry. His primary tasks include control oriented modeling, controller development, model validation, and project documentation. His present and past projects have been in the area of hybrid and conventional vehicle powertrain technologies, and exploratory research in software, embedded systems and controls trends in the automotive industry.
Dr Baloh is the recipient of the 1998 INFA (International Faculty for Artificial Organs) for "Outstanding contributions in the advancement of rotary blood pumps and related technologies'.
Recipient of the 1997 American Society of Artificial Internal Organs' (ASAIO) Student.
IEEE secretariat for the 2002 International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles