Home > Community > Student Life & Wellness > Student Ambassadors Program > Current Ambassadors > Shashank Chandrasekaran
Shashank Chandrasekaran
Master’s student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Anticipated Graduation: May 2022
[email protected]
Academic Interests
- Power and Energy/Energy and Environment
- Control Systems
Shashank is most interested in alternative energy and how this can reduce the usage of conventional sources, novel control and optimization algorithms in automated vehicles, and the integration of power converters in electric vehicles.
- B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) (Honor Society for Electrical and Computer Engineers)
- Michigan Data Science Team (MDST)
- Weightlifting
- Running
- Cooking new cuisines
- Listening to Old School Hip-Hop
Shashank says
“My favourite thing about the ECE program at U-M is the knowledge I can gain from the faculty. These faculty have tons of industry experience and often give examples during lectures which really makes you understand the concept on a deeper level. The environment around you is always energetic and positive making it the favourite thing about U-M, for me.”